I love sports. I love them even more when 'world cup' events happen and you get the thousands upon thousands of fans pouring in and showing their support. I've been following the Rugby World Cup and saw BBC's photostream on Flickr when I saw this that brought a tear to my eye:
More pictures describing why the Rugby World Cup is amazing behind the cut.
France totally gets in the mood! Also, the bright thing in the middle of the Eiffel Tower? A huge helium-filled rugby balloon. The 2 lights shooting straight up into the sky are supposed to represent goal posts.
CANADIAN PRIDE!!! They're not doing too well unfortunately and they play Australia tomorrow afternoon (I'm super worried) but they rank 13th in the world and always beat the US! So yay!
The Welsh guys purportedly seen EVERYWHERE whom rock and I love them very much from far away.
Because every rugby match needs the legends and the superheroes/villains. XD
Displays of nationalism like this bring a happy tear to my eye. Mostly because without nationalism, we'd be more on the track of Marx's utopian future and that would kind of creep me out (mostly because Marx's process to GET there was very unpleasant). So yay fans! And yay Canadians!