jarrow formulas, part 2.

Feb 01, 2006 21:21

Dear Mr. Rogovin,

I am a Jewish citizen of the United States who supports the country of
Israel, but more importantly the Middle East peace process.

My aunt recently sent you an email expressing her displeasure with
your prominent display of the Israeli and American flags on your
homepage, and expressing her views on the situation in the Middle
East, which I'm sure as a Israeli supporter, like myself, you would
view as far less than optimal. My aunt and I do not see the situation
in the same light, but we both agree that the most important thing to
be focused on for the Middle East is peace.

A company executive might not be able to answer an email themselves,
perhaps they'd have to delegate the task to another person with less
on their plate, but certainly they'd be able to offer the questioning
consumer, a long time user of their company's products at least a
reasonable explanation for their actions and views, even if they chose
to disregard the views of the consumer in their planning, which I'm
sure would be the case anyway (an executive can hardly be expected to
consider the needs of every consumer, although of course in an ideal
world this would be the case).

Well, you chose to answer the email yourself. But there was no
reasonable explanation for your views. The only thing that was
received in reply was a stream of invective that hardly befits a
violent criminal, let alone an executive of a large company. I won't
even discuss the facts you OBVIOUSLY have wrong, your constant insults
of a (former) consumer of your company's products, or your disregard
of the "scum" who only want peace, just like yourself (or so I hope,
perhaps you want all the "scum" dead, like your incorrect assumptions
of what they want for us Jews)

I've never used your products, but I can certainly tell you I never
will, and if this is the way you're going to treat your consumers, I
don't believe anyone should.

While I doubt I'm going to receive a response, because you don't have
time for my stupidity, I hope you consider that all people have the
right to peace, for the good of the world, and how you treat your
consumers, for the good of your company.


Zachary Ross

Dear Mr. Zachary,
Actually, the most important for Israel is not "peace." It is security. You make peace with people that are amenable to doing so. Israel's problem neighbors are not so amenable. They are just...mean...including to each other. Especially after what the Prez of Iran has said and the election of Hamas, the security situation could not be clearer. Peace will come when the Arabs except the permanent reality of Israel and conclude it is a logical, rational choice. It will never happen beforehand. And there is very little Israel can do to bring that about. They can avoid CERTAIN provocations, but the main one is Israel's existence, as you know.
It is like WW2 and Hitler. Chamberlain blew it....
My longer (boilerplate of the day) response to Trish and her LeftwingNazi/lunatic friends (I'm getting incredible hate mail) is below, but I can tell you that Trish has a BIG AGENDA and she "pretends" to be mild. She's a hellion in "discourse" drag -- and her friends are of the same ilk. They absolutely loath Israel: Most of the email I am getting call the Israeli baby killers, etc. And Trish clearly indicated she is actually of the same mind set.
Next, you are making the same mistake all the rest of them have. They have said I am wrong; that I am mistaken; that my FACTS ARE WRONG. You state: "...I won't
even discuss the facts you OBVIOUSLY have wrong," Interesting you state you won't even discuss the matter. How LEFT of you. (The Left virtually NEVER discusses FACTS, only APPEARANCES (based on false similes) and FEELINGS.) Obviously, you are UNCOMFORTABLE with my statements, but how are they FACTUALLY wrong. Also, Trish was not turned away from my company by my response: She stated UP FRONT that I either agree with her...or she wouldn't by from me. She IS a LeftwingNazi.... Sorry, but she is. Se just is.... Also, I really don't care about having these lunatics as my customers. I really don't. I would not have them in my home. I would not sit at the same dinner table with them. I really want nothing to do with people like them. They are the same people from my college years that HATED America...and LOVED Stalin.... Now it's Islamofascism they are in alliance with and THAT IS A FACT! My boilerplate response follows: Email me where the facts are wrong. Otherwise, thank me for teaching you a few things. (P.S. Read "Escape from Freedom," Erich Fromm and read everyday one article from www.memri.org):

First, "Trish's" email was not a "mild request." Many people read what they WANT to read in her email, not what she wrote, which was disgusting. She wrote she was "disturbed" by the Israeli flag on our company's website. For that, I have nothing but tremendous loathing, contempt and disgust. Sorry, but I find your...being white, or whatever you are, "disturbing." Sorry, but I find your...being American, or whatever your nationality, "disturbing."
Sorry, but I find your ...religion..."disturbing."
I find you...disturbing. Do you get it? That is not mild. It is fundamentally, deeply insulting.
After that "disturbing" introduction, she goes on to threaten me: If I do not agree with HER (high and almighty HER), then SHE will BOYCOTT my company.
There was nothing "mild" in her vulgarly officious DEMANDS. Further, her "questions" weren't even rhetorical. They were factually false propaganda intended to distract from the mass murder of Israelis. (I hope you recognize that the murder bombers are a problem. 99% of the emails I receive basically wish the annihilation of Israel. Many writers hold the insupportable position that the Palestinian people have no choice but to try to "'defend' themselves as best they can." Yes, actually, the Arabs DO have a choice. They have had a choice REPEATEDLY: On November 29, 1947, the UN voted to create Palestine ALSO. The Arabs chose war and they have EVERY TIME SINCE THEN. And that IS the fundamental fact. There is NO other. Even when Clinton and Barak offered an incredible deal to Arafat, he walked out and made mass murder. Even this week, the Palestinians voted for Hamas. (Do you agree with Hamas' fundamentalist, Islamofascist agenda centered around imposition of Sharia law?) Understand this: There will NEVER be a Palestinian "Right of Return." It simply does NOT exist. The Arabs HAVE slaughtered the Jews repeatedly and long before the creation of Israel. The first Muslim mass killer of Jews was Mohammed himself. STUDY HISTORY! There is actually a Hadith, one that is constantly republished in the Jew-hatred press throughout the Arab world, that when the end of days comes (it is an eschatological religion), that states that even the rocks and trees will call out: "Oh Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me. Come here and kill him." I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP. READ THEIR PRESS AS I DO! See www.memri.org. MEMRI extensively translates the Arab and Islamic press, media, mosque sermons, school texts, political speeches, etc. MEMRI is used by news organizations, schools and governments. It is NOT a propaganda arm of Israel. It is the West's only source of knowing what these guys are actually saying.
The writers to me usually take the very much mistaken position that there was "no problem" between Christian and Muslim Arabs and Jews until Israel was created. (First, this lumping together of Christian with Muslim Arabs is another propaganda trick: Actually, today the Christian Arabs generally consider themselves allies of Israel and the West and they have had wars and other horrible problems with the Muslims -- such as the genocide against the Armenians and the hardly known mass slaughter (about 200,000) of Coptic Christians also by the Turks about 20 years before they killed 1.5 million Armenians. Other than the horrible servitude Jews (and to a lesser degree Christians) were subjected to throughout the Muslim world as "dhimmi" (LOOK IT UP) for centuries, they were ghettoized in Morocco in worse condition than they were even in Europe until Napoleon freed them. In the 1600s in Morocco, there was a huge pogrom killing many hundreds of Jews based on the "blood libel" the Muslims "learned" from the Christians. As for the Arabian Peninsula itself, it was Christian, Jewish and Anamist and women had divorce and property rights until Mohammed. Then these religious groups were forced to convert, killed or exiled. Women were turned into chattel. There are 1.3 million Muslims in Israel. (Arguably, the first Judenrein [a Nazi term meaning "clean of Jews": No Jews, it's clean] region in the world is the Arabian Peninsula, today's Saudi Arabia.) The Palestinians demand ZERO Jews in their territories. THINK ABOUT IT FOR A CHANGE! There are virtually zero Jews left in the rest of the Arab Jews as well except for a fraction of what had been in Morocco. THINK ABOUT IT FOR A CHANGE. The dirty little secret of the Arab world is what they are doing to Christians. Several of my employees are Egyptian Christian refugees -- because they were oppressed in Egypt. THINK ABOUT IT FOR A CHANGE!
You people NEVER say a word about all the Jews kids murdered by murder bombers.
You people NEVER say a word about the unspeakable horrors China has wreaked upon Tibet. NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING! And what is going on it Tibet is REALLY a horror. The Palestinians would do just fine if they stopped trying to destroy Israel. The Tibetans are existenially threatened. Your people OBSESS about Jews and Israel, right? It's called.......................ANTI-SEMITISM.
Hamas' allies include...DAVID DUKE! The American Nazi Party! The White Identity Movement! The KKK! And their counterparts in the good old nooks and crannies of Europe. They other allies of Hamas are...THE NAZI-LEFTWING!
And for the above, this gets me called a "racist." The NaziLeftwing has NO factual responses to anything above or what follows below. They just call me a "racist." BTW, one of the main reasons why I support the U.S. in Iraq is because I believe that Iraqis SHOULD have freedom -- especially freedom from Saddam who MURDERED OVER 300,000 OF HIS OWN PEOPLE OVER AND BEYOND THE MILLION HIS WARS KILLED! (First, far more Iraqis are being killing by Islamofascists than were ever killed in the U.S. invasion. Second, so if a 2,000-3,000 civilians [THAT'S THE NUMBER] Iraqis died in the U.S. invasion, what is the price of freedom? How many French and Dutch died when we freed them from Germany? Not worth it?
The NaziNewLeft hates Israel; LOVES Saddam; hates Bush, and REALLY hates Israel. THINK ABOUT FOR A CHANGE! I am a "racist" because I think Iraqis should have freedom? No, the racists are the LeftwingNazis. They have such a disregard for Iraqis, that they can hate Bush more than they care about what happens to the Iraqis. THINK ABOUT IT FOR A CHANGE! This is what the Palestinians do: They hate Jewish children MORE than they love their own children! UNBELIEVABLE! They would rather their own child die than.... This is a pathology and my observation of this phenomenon is not "racist." If you believe it is, you do not understand the term.
I am out of time.
BTW --- not ONE of you people have EVER replied to any of the above point among others I have repeatedly made, not one of you. Anyway, the following is a description of the 1929 massacre of Jews in Hebron, which is the second holiest city in Judaism (if you care). Jews had lived in Hebron for close to 3,000 years.....

Pierre Van Paassen was in Palestine and provides a graphic account of the
> 1929 pogrom against the Jews of Hebron in his book Days of Our Years,
> from which the following comes. Van Paasen shows that the Mufti of
> Jerusalem was behind the riots and slaughter and accuses the British
> administration of aiding and abetting the Mufti:-
> Falsified photographs showing the Omar mosque of Jerusalem in ruins, with
> an inscription that the edifice had been bombed by the Zionists, were
> handed out to the Arabs of Hebron as they were leaving their place of
> worship on Friday evening, August the twenty-third. A Jew passing by on
> his way to the synagogue was stabbed to death. When he heard of the
> murder, Rabbi Slonim, a man born and bred in the city and a friend of the
> Arab notables, notified the British police commander that the Arabs
> seemed to be strangely excited. He was told to mind his own business. An
> hour later the synagogue was attacked by a mob, and the Jews at prayer
> were slaughtered. On the Saturday morning following, the Yeshiva...was
> put to the sack, and the students were slain. A delegation of Jewish
> citizens thereupon set out to visit the police station, but was met by
> the lynchers. The Jews returned and took refuge in the house of Rabbi
> Slonim where they remained until evening, when the mob appeared before
> the door. Unable to batter it down, the Arabs climbed up the trees at the
> rear of the house and, dropping onto the balcony, entered through the
> windows on the first floor.
> Mounted police--Arab troopers in the service of the government-- had
> appeared outside by this time, and some of the Jews ran down the stairs
> of Slonim's house and out into the roadway. They implored the policemen
> to dismount and protect their friends and relatives inside the house and
> clung around the necks of the horses. From the upper windows came the
> terrifying screams of the old people, but the police galloped off,
> leaving the boys in the road to be cut down by Arabs arriving from all
> sides for the orgy of blood.
> What occurred in the upper chambers of Slonim's house could be seen when
> we found the twelve-foot-high ceiling splashed with blood. The rooms
> looked like a slaughterhouse. When I visited the place in the company of
> Captain Marek Schwartz, a former Austrian artillery officer, Mr. Abraham
> Goldberg of New York, and Mr. Ernst Davies, correspondent of the old
> Berliner Tageblatt, the blood stood in a huge pool on the slightly
> sagging stone floor of the house. Clocks, crockery, tables and windows
> had been smashed to smithereens. Of the unlooted articles, not a single
> item had been left intact except a large black-and-white photograph of
> Dr. Theodore Herzl, the founder of political Zionism. Around the
> picture's frame the murderers had draped the blood-drenched underwear of
> a woman.
> We stood silently contemplating the scene of slaughter when the door was
> flung open by a British solder with fixed bayonet. In strolled Mr.
> Keith-Roach, governor of the Jaffa district, followed by a colonel of the
> Green Howards battalion of the King's African Rifles. They took a hasty
> glance around that awful room, and Mr. Roach remarked to his companion,
> "Shall we have lunch now or drive to Jerusalem first?"
> In Jerusalem the Government published a refutation of the rumors that the
> dead Jews of Hebron had been tortured before they had their throats slit.
> This made me rush back to that city accompanied by two medical men, Dr.
> Dantziger and Dr. Ticho. I intended to gather up the severed sexual
> organs and the cut-off women's breasts we had seen lying scattered over
> the floor and in the beds. But when we came to Hebron a telephone call
> from Jerusalem had ordered our access barred to the Slonim house. A heavy
> guard had been placed before the door. Only then did I recall that I had
> inadvertently told a fellow newspaperman in Jerusalem about our gruesome
> discoveries.
> On the same day of the Hebron massacre, the Arabs had rioted in
> Jerusalem, crying: "Death to the Jews! The government is with us!" The
> fact that the attacks on Jewish communities in different parts of the
> country had occurred simultaneously was interpreted by the Mufti's
> newspaper Falastin as irrefutable evidence of the spontaneity of the
> outburst of Arab indignation. The Acting High Commissioner, Mr. H.C.
> Luke, had informed newspapermen that the government had been completely
> taken unawares. Yet a full ten days earlier it was he who had ordered the
> various hospitals, and especially the Rothschild clinic of which Dr.
> Dantziger was chief surgeon, to have a large number of beds in readiness
> in view of the government's expectation of a riotous outbreak.

Anyway, I am not sure whether you really learned anything.


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