Jan 26, 2008 09:54
Fic: Brothers (Chapter 1)
author: Kazuryoshi
genre: myth, humanity, love
character: Kato shigeaki, Yasuda Shota, nishikido Ryo, Ohkura Tadayoshi, Yokoyama you, Murakami Shingo, Tegoshi Yuuya and yeah...Leah Dizon
pairing: not yet...but there will..for sure.
Disclaimer: i am married with Shige..yeah rite..
Rating: G
“I’m going now”
“okay…and be careful”
“I will”
Shota watched as Shige left their decaying hut while his finger caressing a locket that felt cold as it touches his chest. They have been living together for years and took an oath that they will be brothers forever but none ever open their mouths and spit their bitter pasts to the other. Their pasts were their only treasures and also the only connection between them and the life they had before they were thrown inside the slum. They had promised to suppress the memories of the pasts for the sake of their future.
“but there is no future for us here”. Sad. Shota slowly paced his way outside to where he could see the great sun burning furiously and spreads the warmth to the world. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he wonders what it feels like to be a bird?.
“Birds has wings; they can fly to wherever they want” he thought.
“its good to be you right?” he said to the birds that flew pass him.
The birds chirp and bow then fly high up to the sky.
“did they just…?” he questioned himself in awe but then decided that it was only his imagination. Birds do no bow.
He had nothing else to do so he decided to pay a visit to his favourite place.
The wood.
The wood is a beautiful virgin maiden that sleeps peacefully in the arms of the darkness, away, away, away from the greedy eyes of the hunters. The wood knew him, welcomed him and embraced him in her gentle hug. The wood is still as if it was untouched by time, but sometimes, Shota could hear voices as if someone is whispering the unknown words that he could and could not understand all at the same time. Never once he took notice of those mysterious words and never once he got scared by them. The wood is full of walking spirits, unseen and Shota could feel hundred pairs of watchful eyes watching him all the time but those eyes were gentle, warm and somehow waiting.Waiting for something that is unknown to him.
Never once he bothered to know what it was.
In the deepest side of the wood was where Shota had found his secret hiding place. There he found his new companion, a giant rose tree that has only one flower. Red rose that always blooms and never dries up dances every time he came and Shota always loves to watch it dancing. Beside the rose stands a very old giant tree, a definitely prominent figure of the wood, it has giant roots that is now Shota’s darling place to rest and when he is sleepy, the still wood will come to live. The wind plays the soft music while the leaves, the trees and all the creatures in the wood will sing to him a mystical lullaby to send him into a deep and peaceful sleep.
People avoided the wood for the wood was feared with its dark mystery. People believed that the wood is a house of a fearsome creature. “The creature come out to hunt at night and sleep at day, it has red eyes, long and sharp teeth, smoking breath that smells like a rotten corpse, it eats raw meets, drinks fresh blood and most of all, favours children’ sweet meet”. That was what parents always told their children to keep them safe and sound at home when the night begins spreading its mysterious dark veil. Night in the slum is always darker than any other place inhabited by man. The truth is, anyone who entered the wood will never be seen again, so no one ever come back to tell the truth about the wood. People assumed they were all killed by something and that was when the story of fearsome and ugly creature started. Some people refused to believe it but still it was evident that they were all scared of the wood.
But never once Shota got scared by it.
-The rose is dancing- Shota is here again.
“something happened on my way here” Shota talks casually to the flower as if it could hear and understand him.
The wood seemed quieter then it already was.
“there was this man, I think he was drunk. You know what he did to me?”
The rose dances gracefully. To the left, to the right.
“he called me!”
“hey girl!”
“ He called me girl!! Can you believe it?”
“Come here!! Kiss me or I’ll kill you” he said while imitating the man awkwardly for he is just bad at imitating.
if only the rose could laugh…
“of course I ignored him, then he started chasing after me, I was scared back then, I kept screaming for help.”
“help! Help! But no one even bother to look”
“that man caught me but I kicked his stomach real hard and he vomited” Shota was a bit proud while saying that and found it difficult to suppress his giggle.
“his face looked funny” he continued.
“I saw some kind of yellow liquid coming out from his mouth and it smelt terrible, ew…that was gross, then I ran, then I am here!” brilliant smile but a bit smeared by an invincible pain that came from nowhere.
“Rose chan, you know what, if Shige was there, he will finish him easily because Shige is very strong.” his voice slightly trembling “He works hard everyday so we have something to eat. Shige is my little brother, my sweet and kind little brother, I should be the one taking care of him but look at me, I am useless, I am nothing but his burden…Rose chan, I really hate myself” he started crying. That cry turned into sob and that sob made him hurt his chest and the pain made him curled himself before the mixture of pain and agony forced him to fall on the ground.
He felt ashamed of his worthless self. With his hand, he wiped the tears that in turn left tracks of tears and dust on his face. That hand of his then is lifted as if trying to reach something but then he pull back and that hand is now accompanying his other hand, playing pillow under his head.
A crimson red petal fell and landed on Shota’s small hand.
Perhaps Rose chan is crying too.
“Shota, everything will be all right”
The soft voice stopped him from crying.
“…hey, it wasn’t there yesterday…” his eyes widened.
* * *
“father please let me go with you”
“no, its dangerous, the slum is nothing you could ever imagine of, people who live there are all sinners and dangerous. No son, I won’t risk it”
“but… but… is it true?, I mean, I heard people talking about that place and I really want to see it and confirm it with my own eyes. I want to see how they live and most importantly… how they survive” the young master has not given up yet.
“look son, I have to go there because its my responsibility as a leader to watch over my people, they are my people too and I have tried to improve their life yet nothing work so far. Trust me son, you will not ready for it, in fact, I think you never will, but I promise, one day, when you are older, I’ll take you with me.”. the president is adamant with his decision but deep inside his heart, he is proud of his son for he is willing to get out of his comfortable cocoon to see how the life goes in the slum, a place where no rich kids would dare setting their foots in.
“I promise” a father’s promise to his precious flesh and blood.
The president shifted his look to his second son who stands next to his brother.
“Tadayoshi” he gently spoke to his taller son.
“yes father” the young Tadayoshi, 15 years of age looked up and flinched as his father tried to pinch his slightly chubby cheek. Then he giggled as his father patted his head.
“you are so naughty don’t you know that?” he said while tousling his son’s hair.
“no I am not”
“be good to your brother”
“and your mother”
“I promise”
Looking back to his oldest son.
“yes father”
“can I trust you to watch over your mom and your brother while I’m gone”
“I will father, you can trust me” answered the young master assertively.
“and Leah, look out for our children while I’m gone. I love you and don’t worry. I’ll be fine, after all he’s with me” gently he drew his beloved wife nearer before planted a kiss on her forehead.
After saying goodbye to his family, the president went off with a friend.
His friend is a man he trust his life to, a man who had been with him all the way through and a man that is now his own wise prime minister, Murakami Shingo.
“we won’t be seeing him in a week” speaking in her motherly tone, she tried to hide her own anxiety, the fear she had for her husband’s safety. She couldn’t understand why he wanted to disguise as a commoner, not as president that has trained soldier to guard him and protecting him from dangerous threats. This is slum he is going to, not an ordinary place. She was feared for the things she had heard but never witnessed about the slum. She had tried to stop him but when the president has made up his mind; no one else could change it. Not even his wife.
Ryo watched as his mother started to break down and with the help of Tadayoshi, he managed to hold her up and supported her to stand and brought her back to her room.
“get some rest mother, I am sure father will be all right” he said while gently stroking his mother’s hair. A beautiful silky long black hair with a calming lavender scent.
“stay with mother, I’m going to get her some water” he said to his brother.
Ryo stood up and slowly left the room and prays silently for his stubborn father and uncle
Shingo’s safety.
* * *
“its only the two of us”
“And we have pretty much nothing and no one to protect us except this gun”
“this old gun”
“I am four months pregnant”
“stop ‘yeah-ing’ me! and damn! you don’t even listen to me, hey… Yoko, tell me why?”
“why? Why what?”
“don’t ‘why what’ me! why?! Why the hell you want to go there?”
“relax…watch your volume, don’t forget the fact that now you are talking to a president of your beloved country”
“go to hell with your president! No Yoko! You are my friend and I’ve known you for too long that I don’t have to guess there is something behind this. This trip to living hell is crazy, you are jeopardizing your life and mine and you don’t even tell me why!... Why!? And oh have I mentioned to you that I am not married yet?!”
“which ‘why?’ you want me to answer first” it is a wonder if the president is actually mentally challenged or he just bad at making jokes because in a calm, relaxing day, that kind of question might be taken as “oh I got it, he is just trying to crack some joke” but in this kind of situation, the question will be more likely to provoke someone than making them laugh.
“ouch!” a free gift in a form of sharp tsukkomi from shingo.
“I really missed doing that to you man, now tell me why?”
“okay, okay… but, you may not going to believe it”
“try me…but you better be sure that the reason is worthy enough”
“okay…” the president took a deep and heavy breath as if it is was his last breath on earth.
“I had a dream…”
* * *
Darkness has started its invasion on the sky of the lifeless slum.
“here’s your food son”
“thank you sir, thank you”
“so, see you tomorrow, don’t be late”
“I won’t”
“bye bye shige”. Said a cute boy with a large brown eye.
“bye tegoshi” he said without looking at the boy.
“Shige is so nice. I like Shige” tegoshi whisper to himself while smiling as he watches him leaving the shop.
Holding a small package with his calloused hand, Shige ran as fast as he can. He can’t wait to see Shota and hand him the food he got, the leftovers. He ran even faster knowing Shota who’s waiting for him is weak and hungry for he has no food to eat the whole day.
The thought made him run even faster.
With the pace he is now standing in front of their hut.
“Sho kun, I’m home, see I got lots of food today, we can have a fea-..,”
“sho kun?”
His Sho kun is no where to be found.
* * *
Sleep little darling, don’t be scared.
Be at peace,be at peace
Hush little darling, I’m here with you.
Sleep little darling and dream of me.
Be at peace, be at peace
Hush little darling, the world is yours.
Close your eyes little darling
Let your soul flying free
Spread the enchanted wings of yours
And spellbound the world with you beauty
Breath little darling
And smile, and laugh
Soon You’ll bring us back to life.
A/N: finally chapter 1...feel free to drop a coment or two. this was done rushly so there will be lots of errors. insights are very much