So it's been quite a long while since I've posted anything here. Really quite a long while if I must say. Well, as how I bemoaned to ZH in real life, I have now too many new fandoms and OTPs and what appears to be really not enough time to devour the sheer amount of fanfiction that is out there.
So, I kind of go through phases where I fixate on one fandom and read close to exclusively from that fandom and nothing else. So, the last I posted, I guess my phase was, fanfic-wise, on the Avengers. And that was a very, very long phase. Starting from a couple of months, maybe, before the movie came out where I was devouring the lead up solo movies and then the fanfics that came with that and then finding out about comic side things and picking my Avengers OTP of Steve/Tony... Well, suffice to say that none of my new fandoms reads have come close to dethroning the sheer number of Steve/Tony fics I've read. My rec list for them stands at 408 fics across LJ, AO3 and the odd Fanfiction.Net ones, and that's just for Steve/Tony pairing fics. Sure, I don't read much else, but there's still a couple more of gen Avengers fics or some of the minor pairings I dabble in.
Then, I moved on to Merlin after watching a heartbreaking fanvid of the series finale. Yes, I was spoiled for part of the ending, possibly the most important part of the ending (I think anyone's who's watched it knows what I'm talking about), before I'd watched anything.
It's becoming sort of a trend for some things. Spoilers are now like... I don't know, guess I take them well? In any case, I think I cried harder than I'd thought I would watching the finale itself. Possibly because as you watch the characters trying to prevent that ending, you already know that no matter what they did, it just wasn't going to happen. But well yes.
I marathoned all 5 seasons of Merlin in slightly over a week after my exams ended in early Februrary and laughed and cried. And then cried some more after the finale because I was a masochist and went immediately to read post-finale fics of the Arthur/Merlin variety (no prizes on guessing my OTP) and just. I cried until my eyes hurt I think. And I wasn't even wearing contacts which would've sped up the process of crying until my eyes hurt. ^^"
After Merlin, I went through a relatively short Star Trek phase that was still kind of concurrent with my Merlin phase. The new movies, to be precise. I started out watching the remake movie in preparation for Into Darkness because I knew Benedict Cumberbatch would be the villian, so I wanted some context for ST. And the first movie ended up making me cry within the first 2 minutes, and then by the end of the movie, I already had my OTP - the very classic, granddaddies of slash fic - of Kirk/Spock. I also very much love Spock Prime and how he wanted the romance friendship to form and stay true in this alt universe. 8D I was soon out of this phase though, to move on to the next one, which I will talk about in a bit because I reentered another ST phase after Into Darkness.
Into Darkness. What can I say. Benedict Cumberbatch was PERFECTION. JUST GOSH. Then, they just had to give me awesome Kirk/Spock moments that culminated in them boys Vulcan-kissing through the damn glass door with Kirk dying from radiation on one side. And then Spock going on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge on Khan and JUST. JUST. HNNNGH. If I weren't already a Kirk/Spock fan, this movie would've resoundingly converted me. No questions asked. Not to mention I also saw some Khan/Kirk thing being possible if you know, things didn't turn out the way it did in the end. BUT WELL. That's kind of what fanfic is for? ^^"
Moving on... Somehow, which I still do not know why. Oh hang on, now I remember. It was due to tumblr gifs showing some parallels between Arthur & Merlin and Dean & Castiel from Supernatural. So, I've always had a thing for fantasy and well, no pun intended, supernatural elements in stories and after seeing one too many... and frankly, getting drawn in by just how gorgeous Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins are... possibly more Misha than Jensen. Because DAMN. THOSE BLUE EYES ARE GORGEOUS. *.* I eventually caved and began watching SPN... although only from when Castiel appears, i.e. Season 4. I will get Season 1 - 3 soon though, now that I've finished Season 8 and need to wait for Season 9.
In short, I am a total Dean/Castiel fangirl. THEIR CONNECTION. Gosh, like from the moment they met and all. a;lkajsdf;laskdjf "Profound bond" indeed, babies. Just. So many overwhelming feels for them that finally ended up with me writing fanfiction after the Season 8 finale. OHGOSHTHATFINALE. THE IMPLICATIONS. Especially the spell that caused all the angels to fall from Heaven. This is tumblr speculation, so I've heard, but damn I am so tempted to take it as canon. It's not entirely illogical or entirely seen through slash-goggles, imo.
First ingredient, the heart of a nephilim, an angel-human hybrid. Second ingredient, a cupid's bow. And the final ingredient, was what appeared to be an angel's grace... except why did Metatron specifically use Castiel's grace? It all could've been easier to just use his own grace or whatever angel, maybe even Naomi's. But he didn't. He used Cas specifically. WHY? The first two ingredients are all related to love, but more specifically, romantic love.
As a fanfic put it (and was also probably inspired by tumblr musings), nephilim's heart (as uh morbid as it is) = past love, in that there was love between the angel and the human to produce a child. Cupid's bow = future love, to bring together lovers. So we have past love and future love... so we're missing present. AND... the spell worked with Cas' grace.
Dearest Castiel, can we see this as canon that you are very much romantically in love with one Dean Winchester?
I certainly would like to see it that way.
In any case, the Season 8 finale has got my fanfic ideas flowing for Destiel soooo there we go. ^^" Not to mention the last time we saw a fallen, human Castiel... it was in the dark, alternate universe. Endverse as people have dubbed it and I have adopted to use. Season 9 will likely come out late 2013 and continue into 2014, me thinks... and Endverse was set in the year 2014... PARALLELS? Potential for Cas to go Endverse!Cas? Or will Dean find him and manage to prevent human!Cas from going the way of Endverse!Cas? SO MUCH POTENTIAL! Gahhhh. Totally need Season 9 now.
Oof. Now that was long. Been awhile since I did that. Still feels nice to ramble on though, in between devouring post-S08E23 fics... and trying to find some post-S08E17 fics because DAMN. Dean got through a brainwashed/mind-controlled Castiel with "I need you". Oh you two, stop it.
Ah right, okay. Gonna stop here now and continue my fics. Well, fic. Seeing as parts 1 and 2 of that mini Destiel/post-finale series are mostly done. ^^" I told you I was getting very inspired by the finale. xD