Title : Lost & Found
Chapter Title : A Turning Point
Setting : Hidarime Tantei EYE - Post Special Drama
Summary : What if at the end, Ainosuke's resolve crumbles, leaving him vulnerable in front of his older brother. What will Ainosuke do? And how will Yumeto react to the drastic decision his baby brother had come onto?
Rating : K+
Disclaimer : The
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Comments 9
hang on, I'm gonna read it now ;)
yes, though it will not be that far away from the original.. yet..
yes, though i remembered being a bit disappointed when it ended..
true^~^! u'll find out soon enough XD
for one, i somehow had a feeling that things will be okay.. on the other side, i'm quite afraid that Ainosuke will have another episode with this confrontation, moreso that his condition is not alright at all as of now..
but you see, I think that this is something that is bound to happened between the two, so that things will cleared up in the future..
aside from that, i somehow have a warm feeling filled my heart, seeing the concern from the others (namely Yoshida-san, Sayama-sensei, Kato-san, and even Fukuchi-san) toward our cute little devil~ XDD
all in all~ I'M GLAD YOU UPDATED~
can't wait for the next chappie~
*muses over at what i've planned so far*
*blinks back at ur comment*
i really, really don't know how u do that~!
it's vague, but u get the basic idea of my purpose making Ainosuke sick.. *shakes my head disbelievingly*
i'll do my best XD *glomps back*
i wonder how i did it myself.. *whacked*
yey~ will be waiting for your update then~ XDD
YATTA \(^^)/ finally AInosuke meets with his brother, curious about what will Yumeto do with Ainosuke, after they meet face to face..
thanks for update Kazu *Hugs You* I'm waiting for next chapter..
well, can't tell u that XD, else i'll ruin my next chapter^^..
u're welcome *hugs u back* n i'll do my best^^
I didn't have internet when u updated this!!
Poor Ainosuke, this chapter gives me the chills...especially the last part, really is a turning point!!
*rushes to next chapter*
it's ok.. i'm just glad that u read my story :D
thx for reading n commenting^^~
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