Title : Reminiscences Series
Fandom : Hey!Say!JUMP
Focus : Okamoto Keito & Yamada Ryosuke
Summary : JUMP is one big family, but how are their individual relationships like between the members? A series of drabble-like (or just drabble in most cases) one-shots that i will post individually once I get down to write it :)
Rating : K
Disclaimer : Nope, still don't own them.
Sunday morning usually found the small but homey café in the less populated side of Tokyo to be crowded, but still quiet enough for people to relax. Currently though, the usual peaceful atmosphere was interrupted. By two young men, arguing in front of a flabbergasted woman.
“I saw it first, baka Keito!”
“So? I was here first! Get in line!”
“That is so not fair! I saw it first! And when I told you, you ran here without warning. That’s cheating!”
“All’s fair in love and war, Yama-chan.”
“This is neither, you moron!”
“Ah, but this is some sort of war we’re having, yes?”
An irritated growl. “You’re older, aren’t you? Don’t elder supposed to give way to the younger?”
“Now who’s being an idiot? The young is the one who supposed to give way to their elders. Meaning, you should take this with grace and let me handle the situation.”
“No way!” Ryosuke then turned to the still stunned woman. “Please give me one of that,” he pointed to the display.
“Oh no, you don’t,” Keito wrestled his younger companion so that he was standing in front. “Ignore him, please. I’ll take that order.”
“Sirs?” The young woman standing behind the counter attempted to gain their attention. “If you’d like, we have enough for both of you.”
The younger scowled, “There’s no point if we got the same thing,” and received a whack at the back of his head.
“Be nice,” Keito warned. “Or I swear I’ll tell Yabu-kun.”
What he got as a reply was a grumbled, “Of all the time he has to start acting responsible, he chooses now.”
Ignoring the sulking boy, Keito turned back to the waitress, “I’ll take the caramel cheesecake - shut it, Yama-chan! - and he’ll take the strawberry shortcake.”
The waitress stuttered the price and he paid them, before dragging the now pouting boy into an empty table near the corner of the café. With an almost order to his bandmate to not go anywhere, the older went to collect their order.
“Stop pouting, Yama-chan,” he rolled his eyes when he got back, placing the cakes on the table. “It’s not like you can’t try the caramel cheesecake. And you like strawberry anyway.”
Ryosuke gaped at him as if he had suddenly grown a second head, “Caramel cheesecake, Keito! It’s caramel and cheesecake! In one cake! I’d rather have it and get fresh strawberry later.”
“Yes, yes, I got it. I’ll let you choose the first cake next time,” Keito sat down and reached for the fork.
Ryosuke huffed and reached for his fork, taking a huge piece from his bandmate’s cake off with a mighty pout on his lips. He gave the other an evil eye when the older yelped in protest.
“That’s what you said in the previous two cafés, baka Keito.”
k59 : A crazy one that just crossed my mind. Okayama has always been my fav pairing in HS7 Ultra Power.. They were so amusing^^~ Keito actually being rather forward in his opinion there..