(no subject)

Jul 06, 2008 02:35

This PS came to me while I was thinking about things. My Auntie Denise died, and so we drove out to the funeral today, and it had me thinking about my grandparents. I love my grandparents, and it makes me sad that I'm the only grandchild who visits and stays in regular contact with them. My grandparents are the coolest elderly people I know, and we always have a lot of fun even when sitting there and talking. I also helped them build a fence today, and even -that- was fun...*scratching mosquito bites* I think the people missing out here are my cousins....they just have no idea how cool my grandparents are. It truly is sad that so many elderly people die without friends or family around them, and how often they are forgotten. I am lucky to have mine...please enjoy my PS, and don't worry about condolences on my Auntie, I wasn't terribly close to her, but her death brought life in perspective, and made me thankful for what I have. Wonderful dollies, great friends, good times, a beautiful earth, and last but not least I can live free in my country and be as I am without fears of persecution or harm to my person.

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