Bye Bye My Lovely April

Apr 30, 2012 22:07

Before April ended, I want to post something, of course because April is my fave month in a year. It's my birthday month and my anniversary joining arashi fandom.
This year, I turn to 23 years old, and my third anniv in arashi fandom, will enter my fourth year! Still a long way to go.

My longest record being someone's fans is 10 years, being L'Arc~en~ciel fans.
And you know what?! My dream since junior school finally will come true, two days from now!!

When we still dreamt about it, we said, no matter what it takes, how much the ticket will be, we would definitely watching it! So pity, I could only manage to get regular ticket, VIP and Premium has been sold out first *cries* T^T and I'm blaming my work at that time! Why I have to be so busy that time?

Well, no matter the position, I'll be watching you, yes YOU LARUKU, LIVE! In Front of my eyes. Wait for me!! XD

Sorry, I will probably flailing about laruku again for some days, at least one more post, after concert post hehehe

l'arc~en~ciel, random, my life

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