How's everyone doing?
It's been a while since I post something on my LJ.
Actually I want to post this earlier. This afternoon. But LJ was being bitchy again.
I don't have particular reason to post though. Haha..
Btw, I finally got my DW account!! yay!!
Suddenly it becomes trend, to back up your LJ account to DW cause LJ is causing so much trouble lately.
And I got my desired name!! My username is ninohime.
If anyone in my f-list have DW account too, please let me know. I'll add you!! It's pretty boring there.
Cause there is nothing.
And how come some of my f-list suddenly add me eventhough I haven't announced my DW account?
Oh yeah, they are nana nee-chan
misaki82 , and
azraqey You guys are awesome!! haha
If you want a code to make DW account. I have one creation code.
I don't know why, but dreamwidth mod sent it to my email after I made my DW account. So it's useless for me now. Just PM me if anyone want to take it.
Oh!! It's 6th April!! Two days again!! OHOKU DVD!!! Yay!!
Edit :
arisa_draconis just said that the released date has been pushed to 15th April. :(
No good! I want to see nino's *** scene as fast as possible