Nov 05, 2006 18:15
I have the greatest appreciation for perl. Despite it's admittedly large number of quirks, I think it's a really powerful language and something I will happily use for any small to medium script I need to write.
So I decided to write a quick script that would allow me to insert blocks of subtitled text into an existing subtitle script. The plan being that, if we make changes to the opening sequence, I would only need to run the script rather than re-inserting the opening into every episode.
That was several hours ago. What is causing me issues?
Importing subtitle files? No.
Parsing the individual lines for entries? No.
Comment syntax or writing out the files post-processing? No.
No, what's causing me to completely lose it right now is that I want to be able to add together two times. That's it.
What the hell is up with perl's datetime handling??
I mean, handling time is a fairly basic need, yes? So why are there 20-30 cpan date time modules handling everything you could possible think of but nothing wants to let me add two times?