(no subject)

Nov 23, 2005 22:23

Taken from lots of people, but primarily from racerxmachina (except 100)...

1.smoked a cigarette - No. (See: Asthmatic)
2.smoked a cigar- Ditto
3.made out with a member of the same sex- Nope
4.crashed a friend's car- No
5.stolen a car- ... NO
6.been in love- Yes
7.been dumped- No
8.shoplifted- Does accidentally count? If so, yes, a couple of months back. (I took it back immediately)
9.been fired- No
10.been in a fist fight- No (unless being punched at age ~7 counts)
11.snuck out of your house- Don't think so
12.had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back- No
13.been arrested- No (Aren't I boring?)
14.made out with a stranger - No
15.gone on a blind date- No
16.lied to a friend- I don't think so. It would be very unlike me, but I've probably told a half-truth at some point.
17.had a crush on a teacher - No (...still boring...)
18.skipped school- No, not even Saturday morning lectures -.-
19.slept with a co-worker- No
20.seen someone die- No
21.been on a plane- Yes. 2/4 times a year, usually for 10+ hour stretches. I didn't used to mind it, now I HATE it.
22.thrown up in a bar- No... Given the not drinking thing, this one would be quite challenging.
23.been in someone's wedding- Sort of helped from the sidelines in a couple now, but not actually been in the wedding party for any but my own.
24.love someone or miss someone right now - Yes... nataku would rightfully hurt me plenty if I said anything less :)
25.laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by- Not sure. I like looking at clouds, but just lying there watching them doesn't sound like me.
26.made a snow angel- No
27.played dress up- Err... Sort of. Played at being dressed up seems more appropriate, though I have managed to escape fancy costumes thus far! :)
28.cheated while playing a game- Don't think so. Certainly not since I was a child.
29.been lonely- Yes
30.fallen asleep at work/school- No... I watch one of my co-workers do it regularly though... *grr*
31.used a fake id- No
32.felt an earthquake- Yes, a fairly recent experience for me.
33.touched a snake- Yes. A long time ago though.
34.ran a red light- No. Skidded to a stop on at least one... I need to invest in ABS the next time I'm car shopping (not for quite some time, I hope)
35.been suspended from school - No
36.had detention - Yes, although fairly rare.
37.been in a car accident- Yes, but not as a driver.
38.hated the way you look - Yes, for various reasons.
39.witnessed a crime - Pretty sure yes, although I can't think what right now.
40.Seduced someone- NO.
41.eaten brains? No.
42.been to the opposite side of the country. Yes, both this one and the one I originated from.
43.felt like dying - Erm. Not really, no.
44.cried yourself to sleep - Yes
45.played cops and robbers - Yes, it was one of the multiplayer modes in a racing game I played *geek*
46.sang karaoke before - No
47.done something you told yourself you wouldn't- Repeatedly and it really annoys me.
48.laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose- Think so, can't remember.
49.caught a snowflake on your tongue - Yes, long ago.
50.kissed in the rain - No
51.sing in the shower - Usually hum rather than sing but yes. Singing in the car is far more usual for me.
52.made love in a park - No.......
53.had a dream that you married someone- No, I rarely remember my dreams.
54.glued your hand to something- No
55.got your tongue stuck to a flag pole- No... Why on earth would I be licking a flag pole to start with?
56.worn the opposite sex's clothes- No... You wouldn't believe how much aggro my teacher gave me when I backed out of the school play when I discovered I would have to wear a dress... (age ~8)
57.been a cheerleader- ... ... I think this is a fairly safe no, don't you?
58.sat on a roof top - Cambridge with insane friends... I've climbed across rooftops.
59.didn't take a shower for a week- Well, yes, but mainly because I bathed instead.
60.ever to scared to watch scary movies alone- No, I don't think so. I tend to avoid horror movies though.
61.played chicken- No.
62.been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on- No and it's probably a good thing. I'm one of nature's natural sinkers.
63.been told you're hot by a complete stranger- Err... Not in so many words, but lots of people seem to like the accent now I'm in the US, which is kind of scary...
64.broken a bone- No. Probably actually a bad thing since now I'm terrified of the prospect.
65.drunk champagne out of a shoe- No
66.laugh so hard you cry- Yes
67.mooned/flashed someone - NO...
68.cheated on a test- Probably not, and certainly not for anything important.
69.forgotten someone's name- All the @$%#$%^ time. One of my greatest failings is my complete incapacity for remembering peoples names.
70.slept naked- Yes
71.gone skinny dipping in a pool- No
72.been kicked out of your house- No
73.blacked out from drinking- No (See: 22)
74.played a prank on someone- Yes. Fairly rarely though, and never (to my recollection) in a way that could harm.
75.gone to a late night movie- Harry Potter, midnight showing on launch date a week ago :)
76.made love to anything not human- I can only quote racerxmachina here: No. I have not humped any animal, inanimate object, building or food product.
77.failed a class once- I don't think this works in the UK system, but no: Academic do-gooder here.
78.eaten a live creature- Probably an insect as a kid, but nothing I remember.
79.Spent more than $400 in one go on a hobby- Yes, my computer(s).
80.cheated on a gf/bf- No
81.ate a whole package of Oreos- Yes
82.Had such a high fever you hallucinated- No
83.felt like killing someone- No. The most I could probably manage would be severe impoliteness :/
84.thought about running away- Not since an age where I actual knew what that would mean, no.
85.ran away- No
86.did drugs- No. Knowing my immune system, it'd probably kill me anyway.
87.had detention and not attend it- No
88.yelled at parents- No, don't think so.
89.made parent cry- Yes
90.cried over someone- Yes
91.owned more than 5 sharpies- Err, I have a roughly 30 or 40 writing implements piled on my desk, but no, I don't think so
92.dated more than 1 person at once- No (or, in fact, at all)
93.have a dog- No (See: 1)
94.have a cat- Yes (See: 1)
95.own an instrument- No. I hav in the past but I failed dismally to make anything of it.
96.been in a band- No... School choir (and musical!) before my voice broke but no bands.
97.had more than 25 sodas in one day- And I thought I had a problem with the amount of diet coke I drank... No, I've only managed ~10 tops I would guess.
98.broken a cd- Yes, many times. Even microwaved one once. Very pretty arcing.
99.shot a gun- Yes, but only an air-rifle I think. Archery was more my thing.
100.cut out, glued and painted large cardboard snails for a protest you have nothing to do with while wearing your best suit- Scarred for life.


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