Spring Drama~

Apr 21, 2008 15:04

My watch list :

1. Puzzle - Yusuke! And the plot is very my type XD 
I just realized that I'm mystery maniac =P
Phoenix Wright, Agatha Christie novels, Galileo, Kisaragi, Puzzle (2006)... what else?
The first rating is 14.1% (if I'm not wrong) not too bad for Ishihara Satomi's recent drama.

Other major dramas :

1. Gokusen 3 - WTF the rating is 24.6%
What happen to this world??

2. Zettai Kareshi - actually it looks a bit interesting, but to be honest I dislike the manga, so...
the rating is 13(++)% btw

3. Last Friend - I WANT TO WATCH IT
but I can't.
my body already reject Masami (and Ryo without Uchi, blame RyoDa and RyoPi)
What should I do? ;__;
DV!Ryo is very interesting, though, and though my hatred to Masami is not enough to make me happy watching her get beaten.
and I get the feeling that I'll hate Masami's personality, and her relationship with Ueno Juri to death.
Where's the love for Eita???? ;____;
the rating was around 13% for the first episode and I believe it will increase more and more.

4. Hokaben - Shigerandomnewsmember's dorama, that's all I need to know.
he still looks ugly as usual.

5. Onsen (or Osen idk) - another Uchi dorama. With... Ueto Aya?
Johnny if you really want to make Uchi as actor please give him more interesting drama, really.
and please stop give him safe roles.

6. Top Sales - about a woman, with her job.
I don't even really know what it is but whatever it is the rating is higher that randomnewsmember's drama.

7. Around 40 - Naohito Fujiki.
I must admit the plot doesn't sound interesting for me at all.
but... I'll wait for Fitrie's recommendation (who knows she'll watch it).

8. Battery - I haven't even watch the movie.

9. Hachi-One Diver - why is it sounds like D-Boys type of drama?
oh it really is. Wait, Junpei is not D-Boys, but oh well, newevergreen equals to D-Boys (exceptyouknowwho).
note : D-Boys drama = Midnight drama.

10. Muri na Renai - I'm sorry, I get the feeling I'll sick while watching 60 years oldman falling in love with 35 years old woman.
But this show has hope in rating, since the oldman is a senior actor who probably still has obaachan-tachi fans, and Japanese love weird shows (I mean, even Yukan Club was popular).
oh, and wotas will watch it, yeah, wotas, KojiHaru casted in that drama, as regular, I think.

11. Hitomi - Eikura Nana, and she looks like a shit at the promotional poster.

12. Pandora - looks interesting, but probably my poor little brain wont be able to understand it, lol.
shortly not my type, but the girl looks as pretty as usual.

13. Ryokiteki na Kanojo - I'm not sure if I want to watch this one...I'll wait for th review, I think.
one thing that I don't understand, why they're coupling Tsuyoshi with Tanaka Rena? it's just like father-daughter or uncle-niece.

Damn, I only have one drama in my watch list.
Oh well, I still have some (hopefully) good movies stock, idol girls dancing in their mini-skirts, some lawyer slamming their desks and latexmen... who hopefully don'y turned into gays after they get rid their latex.
urgh, why am I become more sarcastic lately?

*runs playing Kirarin NDS game*


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