Updating this journal

Aug 25, 2011 10:48

I just deleted some of my profile pictures, good bye Idol!Oku, Uchi (you're too manly for me now, and that picture is crappy anyway), Hello Kitty and Toma as reindeer.

I'm still keeping Kame (and Toma)'s just because it's my favorite crack pairing and some girls who don't know me insist that I hate Kame. Oh hi, do you think I'm that lack of better things to do that I'm using his photo (in which he looks real decent) just for.... what? I waste one spot that I can use for my favorites for someone that I despise?
Yeah sorry I don't know why KAT-TUN's fandom is getting younger again while DBSK's somehow maturing, what a real shame really, and me having my first 'middle age crisis'.

Anyway, I'm changing my layout and all and here's Maachun for you all who are somehow still watching me <3

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