
Jan 27, 2011 06:01

I never planned him to be my first Infinite post, but since I researched quite a lot (not really) to make an infinite thread in AKB48 forum (lol, yeah I know, random) I got quite a lot of stuffs and found that it's interesting to write about him first, I won't write a lot though.

Sungyeol is the most useless member of Infinite, his line share was as little as Sunjong, and now become less than him and on top of that he lipsync-ing, lol.

Oh yeah, he is the middle one, with fatty stomach, lol.
He is the self-proclaimed substitute of Eun-choding (Eun Jiwon) who now is damn proud of his better look (IMO he looks better before though).
Oh, and he did this which I found cool.

Basically I think this guy is cool because he talked about an issue I can really relate to, the bathroom issue. Their small dorm that inhabited by 8 people (including manager) only has one bathroom. I admire his courage to address this issue to the reader, and really, I totally pitying them right now because of the bathroom issue TT________TT
can you imagine sharing one bathroom with other 7 people? no I can't.
I bet they never lock the bathroom.He also didn't forget to mention his gratitude of the group's name, which I totally agree. Infinite really is a good group name, I won't like them as much as now if they're called as Supersonic, iPop, G7 (WTH, really, from G6??) or Blackberry (I still hate Girl's Day even though I totally found Minah adorable)

He also frankly said that he has dated before and sure that the other members must have dated, too bad he has too little screentime in YAMO, I would like to see him trying to seduce Jiae (yeah I know incest but they aren't real sibling anyway).

taken from NLiF (full credit below)
Sungyeol: To me superstar is Infinite.
Infinite is endless, it has no end. Superstar, big star. Yeh, it doesnt have an end.
while L is busy being humble (and yet he is no. 1 camwhore in Infinite)

I think I will write more tomorrow, maybe I should copy paste what I wrote in AKB48 forum (but actually I mostly just wrote Sungjong there)

CREDITS : Naver Blog (SOURCE); michkay@NLi (TRANS)


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