Megan Fox

Oct 14, 2010 05:02

In late July 2009, Fox's overexposure in parts of the media caused several men's websites to boycott her.[51] AOL's man-blog Asylum dubbed August 4, 2009 "A Day Without Megan Fox" with the promise that the site would not mention or feature her on this day; they asked other men's sites to copy this stance, and several (such as, Just a Guy Thing, and Banned in Hollywood) complied. "Listen, we love Megan," Eric Rogell of told New York Daily News. "She's responsible for driving more eyeballs to our sites - just by getting photographed walking down the street in a white T-shirt - than any other celeb alive. [But] it's time to give another young actress a shot at the attention."[51] Other sites, however, refused to boycott Fox, with Asylum's sister site Popeater declaring "we're posting things about Megan Fox that aren't even news, just because we know you want it, whether you'll admit it or not"[52] and Coedmagazine calling the boycott a "publicity stunt" and "hypocritical", saying that they were the home of "The Megan Fox Boycott Boycott".[53] The British newspaper The Sun declared August 4 to be "Megan Fox Day", saying that "She deserves a day dedicated to her".[54] In response to the boycott, Fox told magazine Nylon, in a September 2009 interview, that "the media blitz" for Transformers resulted in an over-extension of her welcome in the media. "I was part of a movie that [the studio] wanted to make sure would make $700 million, so they oversaturated the media with their stars," she said.[55] "I don’t want to have people get completely sick of me before I’ve ever even done something legitimate."[55]

- extracted from wikipedia (Megan Fox)

lolllllllllllll so important (some ppl think this is her publicist job, it's still awesome and lulzy though, lollllllllllll)
If I were a guy and live in US I don't think I can live without her though, just being completely honest.


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