Dec 08, 2011 15:04

Hi, all
have been think a lot about this journal lately
since LJ is really quiet lately and many of my friends is not here anymore...
I decided to make this journal to be really private
which means, I'll really protect it
since I'm not update this regularly
also, I'm thinking about moving to another blog host...

so, I decided to put all my ramblings here, also personal thought
maybe this LJ will not contain fun entries anymore

and I'm terrible sorry for this...
because of the reasons I state, I decided to cut-off names from my f-list
no offense or personal reason m(_ _)m
I cut-off people who I don't know well and who don't update their LJ anymore
since this journal will be private
I  don't want to spread out my personal problems or rant to people I don't know well
I also don't want to sp*mming your f-page, and it'll be useless if you don't read it...
m(_ _)m

one more, if I removed you,
please don't think I have personal sentiment with you
and please look at my reason above!

I should have announce this few days ago, but I... totally forget!
LJ also hates me, since few days ago, it won't updating TT^TT
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