Jun 16, 2005 02:49
So my time as a degenerate:
I became "the other man" for my best friend at the theater so she could cheat on her boyfriend who was the nicest guy there. Then they broke up and we continued our "things" until we pretty much just ended up dating and I actually had strong feelings for a girl all over again.
NATURALLY, she dumped me and now I've forgotten how happy and immoral and carefree I was in addition to anything about me before this incident. Basically it's my own damn fault for ACTUALLY dating someone again. HOWEVER, I've tried to keep my whole degenerate wanderer thing alive and sometimes it distracts me and gives me those fleeting moments of what I was like when the only person's feelings i cared about were MINE ALONE.
I'm slowly getting back to normal and I know I'm still myself. I'll be back to rude, selfish and arrogant in no time I'm sure. Still sucks to lose someone that was a great friend (e.g. check previous journals). BUT I'll be in Germany soon and maybe some meaningless Euro-hookups will help me forget something that made me pretty happy for a little while. (How/Why the fuck am I even writing this?)
(Statistics for those of you keeping track at home)
Jeremy's time as a swinging bachelor has resulted in:
Number of girls I've had SOME type of close connection with: 4
Number of those girls I'm still actually friends with: 1
Number of times fallen in love (not the REAL love, but whatever that word means): 2
Number of girls that fell in love with me (whatever that word means): 2.5(i think)
Number of those girls that want nothing to do with me now: 2.5
Number of times Heartbroken: 1.5
Number of songs resulted from these female tribulations: 3 (so far)
Length of Shortest song: 43 seconds
Length of Longest song: 3:46
Number of Shows been to: 10 (so far)
Number of Drunken/High DC Excursions: 3
Number of Books Read: 4
Number of those books written by Kurt Vonnegut: 3
Number of Countries I'll visit: 3
DVDs purchased: 5
Number of those DVDs about the Ramones: 2
Number of those DVDs that are documentaries on bands: 3
I don't know why I included that last part about DVDs, but I guess if you add it all up;
Being the Other Man + Returning to Pot + Continuing my Alcoholism + Spreading it to Others + Relations with Girls + Abducting an Underage Neighbor to go Drink at a Party the First Time we Meet + Quitting my Job + Becoming a Bum = Kind of a DEGENERATE!