(no subject)

Oct 22, 2006 03:09

Here's MAYbe the first TRUE drunken entry here.

I started this for the sole purpose of recalling drunken nights so I wouldn't forget them the next morning, but it really became either me waking up the next morning recalling it or writing later recalling things I've remembered mixed with what my friends told me.

HOWEVER, this time I'm not even trying to recall the whole event, JUST the metro ride home. I don't know who reads the City Paper, but I usually do , RELIGIOUSLY. As luck would have it, I was beered up enough and fortunate enough to find a City Paper for the metro ride home from my friend BJ's kegger.

I read EVERY "I saw you"'s (pathetic attempts by Metropolitanites to reconnect with people they "shared glances with") to EACH one of my friends on the metro with me. That means not only Larry and Brian, but my DD Horty (Hortactious Ignacious as I call him). SO I read every single one no matter the sex, spread evenly to my friends and each one eventually ended with "You: Smelly Asian Ugly. Me: Extremely attractive White Male."

I LITERALLY did this for a good hour, fuck whoever came onto or left the metro I was a COMMITTED novelist with my (seemingly) own material to read aloud to anyone that could hear. And BELIEVE ME, I made sure everyone could hear.

Whatever, I had a good time and my friend were embarassed and people moved away from me and I wore my "hobo" gloves. The Cou de Gras came when the only person that had guts enough not to move away whilst I was reading these (a bald and balding white male in his 40s who laughed only "semi" secretly everytime I ended with "you: smelly asian. Me: handsome white male") as we left for our metro stop to the very delight to ALL my friends, this man who sat through it ALL.....CLAPPED for me and HOLLA'd as I left as if to say "Good Show!".

Let's be honest: If you haven't seen my shit a Polly Esthers in Rockville, College Perk in PG County, Grog and Tankard in DC, Orange Ball in Rockville, Palace of Wonders in DC.....I'm quite the showman. And I'll be DAMNED if my own friends on the metro attempt to take that away from me. I will go MORE obnoxious and I will TRIUMPH. As I did tonight.

Still drunk. Still backspacing and erasing all my mistakes. This one took longer than expected but I still did it fast and I still will God Bless Hunter S Thompson for pulling this off to such great degrees.

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