something new....

May 08, 2009 23:51

So this past Sunday I went to a "open circle" I was really disappointed to find out the open circle was not a open circle but a public ritual. Robes and full ceremonial garb, I was hoping and looking forward to a maypole, and festival type stuff that I came to expect from an open circle. To me an Open Circle is something that is not ceremonial, it's open to all paths and traditions, usually much less formal, and much more welcoming then the group of black robed individuals hidden away in a grove of a park. So I was very sad, and kinda frustrated because I've seen open circles and it is advertised as an open circle but it wasn't. I was also sad that they don't have the folk traditions, the fun stuff, as part of regular celebration particularly for Beltane, as it's the most festive. It's the Go find a maiden and spend the night in the woods worshiping each other, holiday. I mean make it fun.

It got me thinking about my faith, and though I didn't enjoy my night out, I did have the intended result and it got me pumped up. I started thinking about how I was early on in my travel down this path, some of the confusion I had. And some of the Myths that are passed along as fact due to people not researching things themselves. I thought about the research that I have done, and the conversations I've had with people, and I started thinking, it's too bad there isn't one book, that talked about the myths inside the community, and then I thought why stop there, why not do the whole thing, why not write a how to book, that has the basics and the religion, a book that would start a person off in the right direction, and provide the things I've found lacking in almost every book I've read. And so I started.

I've actually started writing something, I haven't writing in a long time, I sat down and started an outline monday, and wrote a couple of pages to see if I could actually put together a sentence, Today I actually sat down and wrote a little bit, and I think I might actually be able to do this. Nothing will come of it... but I want to finish it and finish it with in the year. I have never actually tried my hand at writing anything more then a few dozen pages, so something in the few hundred pages range would be neat, even if most of it is how-to stuff that is just basic religious stuff. lol. But I'm excited about actually writing something that might actually do something other books don't.

Wicca is a religion that was created in the 1940s and 1950s but a dirty old man in england. He was a nudist, was interested in spiritualism, religion and a member of at least two esoteric organizations in England. Through his involvement and his interests in all manner or subjects which made a avid reader and researcher, he basically started his own group, which became Wicca. One of the most important things he pushed on people, was the idea that people research and question everything. Something he took very serious to the point of intentionally giving Books of Shadow for people to copy with mistakes, so that people had to research stuff, there is a famous example of how this wasn't done, in a book that was published in the 1970s where two of the holiday names were reversed, and wasn't caught. This is such an important thing, that I don't know why so few books push this idea.

I also want to help people like me when I was at Brock, trying to do the Pagan Group there, and create have a guide for people starting to deal with that type of thing, and try to make it easier for communities to connect and grow.

Again I'm just rambling, and nothing will come of it, but it's something I want to do, at the very least, I'll be a better Pagan at the end of it.
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