A letter to our elders

Apr 08, 2011 09:41

     We are your replacements. Grow up and deal with it.

These self-absorbed, drug addled, ignorant “baby boomers”, getting high and believing that the voice they are talking to is God, or the Mother Earth, the Great Eagle Spirit, or the Father Bear, when it is truly only their own selfish ego. Believing that they must ingest, take into themselves, feed inward, before they can see anything outward.

Fuck you AND your pathetic social rebellion: Long hair because it makes Daddy mad; Leather coats because they’re “dangerous”; Drugs to make Uncle Sam angry; Free Love to empower your own self-worth. You are arrogance personified. “Swig on God” is the motto. So smoke it up, drink it down, and put on the beads, because without YOU to observe it, the universe is unknowable, vast and terrifying.

You’ve “seen so much”, and you name a handful of other people’s experiences, witnessed second hand. To the best of your ability, all you can conjure is a distant and unrelated knowledge, gleaned from the greasy upholstery of a couch you “saw the world” from twenty five years ago. Your replacements wish that they were still as innocent. Your successors are connected in a way that you will never be, while your egotism and conceit wall off any true connections to the world around you. In your greed you try, you truly desire it, but you lack the fundamental understanding: You see the technicalities and the methodology, yet do not understand what to do with it, for it is only seen as “yours”, and not the whole of the peoples’.

The wildest of you take immense pride in your personal sexual explicitness, in causing shock and dismay in your peers. Gleaning power and a cancerous vitality from the recoiling disgust of others of your generation, and spitting it out on the street to attract others as self-interested as yourselves. What started as a freeing creed of the young to destabilize the parents, has now become a tenaciously clinged to dogma, used to bolster your own ego. “One with the earth” by being naked. “One with God” by getting high in the basement. “One with the universe” by fucking everyone you can. You succeed only in being incrementally more “one” with yourself, fulfilling your own wants more than anything else.

Your children's children have been raised on your most shocking and greedy acts. You are responsible for establishing and cementing the corporations that poison and enslave us. In your want for ever more money, drugs, safety, and comfort, you robbed everything you could. You put the Earth up against the wall of a back alley and raped it, because it wore a low dress. You sold the names of the stars to the highest bidder, and you gave your fatherless and motherless children drugs, so that you could watch the new Hollywood truth.

We are stacked person upon person upon person, shoulder to shoulder for as far as the eye can see, all around the world. You filled our schools to overflowing, and replaced teachers with police and dogs. You dredged the oceans, you salted the earth with dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, you filled our air with acid. You drop mana from Heaven, nectar in the jungle, napalm in the trees, you spread your honey on the seas. And you have the audacity to call us sheltered. We have seen the spoils of your generation of love and freedom; we have seen war and disaster every day of our lives. We grew up in towns with ten thousand people in one square mile, surrounded by square mile after square mile of ten thousand more, forever. There is no unspoiled land, there is no place of solitude, there is no shelter from your manipulations and enforced regulations. We have been bought, sold, and held in your bondage since birth. Brainwashed and lied to, poisoned and raped by the spoils of your tenets. Beaten bloodied and abused for our whole lives by your corporate media engine.

You told us the world was a miracle, and birthed us into your cesspool of hypocrisy and death. We are so weary of having no idols, of seeing no hope. You have taken away the beautiful world; Filled the open spaces with your junkyards and sewage; Made the water stale and poisonous. Pale and bruised rainbows touch down on off-shore drilling platforms and inner-city needle exchanges while we commute. The evening sunsets have been rendered brown and noxious while we manufacture. The night sky, pink and opaque while we worry and slowly drown. The world is tiny now, and there is nowhere to turn: Nothing new to explore, no wonder at the miracle of creation to be had. Only sadness and disillusionment at the truth of our elders’ madness.

So go ahead and put on your Amazonian hand-carved mammoth bone beaded necklace, fire up that immigrant powered bong, yoga yourself on over the insurance provided chiropractor, take a soma, and accuse me of all your insecurities. Call me all the names your parents would have called you if you weren’t too high to hear them, and relax: Because you will NEVER be able to comprehend the misery and ruin you have sewn throughout the whole of the world....

society government enviroment disapointm

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