(no subject)

Mar 09, 2006 14:01

Been a while since I posted. Bleh.

Been working on leveling my new Paladin alt over on Durotan. OWL really needs more than one normal rezzer at 60, and with Horg being it, and with him needing to go off and do stuff from time to time, I'm taking the role with Alixander. Just hit 21 last night, and simultaniously got my Verigan's Fist. ^^v

Going to BootyCon 0.3 this weekend. My first BootyCon. ^^/

While looking over the pics from KatsuCon, I found the one good pic of me from the whole con, thanks to makonurikoryoko

Also, for those who've seen it:

For those who are going "Huh? What?" go here: http://www.transbuddha.com/index.php/buddha/vw_gti_unpimp_your_ride/

And this is in reference to this: http://junk-of-kaz.livejournal.com/6304.html
Kinda like Ikirus, but with a stronger emphasis on phsyical contact, and it's so true. The difference between me and him is, I think, that for Nagamii, touching someone is just his way of showing he likes you, either romantically or just as a friend. To me, a brief hug as a greeting or a farewell, or stuff like that, that's fine. But repeated or extended physical contact for no real reason (opposed to consoling someone for example) is something that's reserved for family members and those you are in love with. This is actually a bad thing for me, b/c even if I logically can work out the truth, it still sends mixed signals to my brain. Had something like this happen recently, and she is dating another friend of mine, but a part of my brain was going "wait... huh... I thought..." Later I had it confirmed that it was what I thought, that she's just a touchy person, but it'll still be a problem in the future with others. At this point it's pretty much hard wired into my brain.

That's all for now.

ob, wow, life

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