I am the King of the Unknown!

Feb 09, 2006 17:01

Okay, so anyone who knows me, has probably heard me complain about how I'm forgettable, or mistakable, or ignorable... it stuck again, in a hilarious fashion this time.
Over at OB, JB posts:
"I have some sort of weird mental condition where I am just terrible at recognizing Internet people. I mean, it's hard for everybody, but I seem worse at it than most people. All the costumes at an anime con just make it even tougher.

So please, say "hello" to me at Katsucon! Step on my foot, grab my ass, or throw a drink on me if I walk by you and don't recognize you."

So I reply to it "At this point I'm so used to no one recognizing me, I'll do it anyways. *shrugs*"

John replies with "I call bullshit! You were at Apulo's party and you asked me who you were - and I TOTALLY got that shit instantly!"

My recent reply, "There's only one problem with that John... I've never been to one of Apulo's parties. Heh."

I don't know why, but that's just got such a grin on my face. Hee hee.

ob, life

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