Oh wow, it's been a week since my last update.

Feb 08, 2006 17:18

Jeez... didn't realize it had been this long. >.>

Anyways, talked to my father on Friday and talked about a lot of stuff, including death. I've been thinking about death lately, and it's kinda scary. I'm not scared of the concept of dying itself, what scares me is not knowing what comes after. I've never been overly religious, and the thought of nothing coming after kinda leaves me feeling empty inside. I've relied on knowledge, or at least knowing I could find definitive answers... somewhere. There are no absolutely true, testable, scientific answers as to what happens after death, so that scares me. I talked to my dad about it, wondering what his views on the matter are, and he basically ended up saying that he doesn't believe there's anything after death. You die, and that's it. That's a scary thought, but hearing it from my father (who despite me being 25, I still have that feeling that he knows everything) was oddly reassuring, mostly in that no one has the answers. Hearing it from him actually confirmed that the answers are unknown, instead of just a thought in my head.
Also, he believes a lot like me (or maybe I think like him... more likely the latter), like that even if there is a God or gods, the idea that it or they will only allow those who believe in their given religion is stupid.
I'm actually really glad I talked to him about it, because while I'm still kinda afraid of death, it's not so horrible now. There's no point worrying about it too much, since the answers are (most likely) unknowable. Heh. :)

Let's see, saw Serenity this weekend. \^^/ Finally. First things first:
*sniff* But it was a really good movie, IMO. Of course this means if Joss Whedon ever does anything else in the 'verse, there won't be any answers as to who Shepard Book really was. It's still possible that Book left a message to be delivered to them in the event of his death, shedding some light on the situation, but I doubt it.
As for Wash, his death really left me feeling bad, because it wasn't really that noble. :( I mean, he did land, but then got speared. ;_;
But in the end, Serenity answered the question almost everyone was thinking about, "What happened to River?", and the best question I never really wondered about "Where the Reaver's came from." I esp. like how the explained the Reavers, without making them "not a problem". Reavers are still out there raping, pillaging, and killing, but now at least we know what caused them.
While certainly not the greatest movie ever, it was definitely worth a watch.

Last night I went out and had a steak for dinner at Clyde's, and afterwards went downstairs to my favorite bookstore, only to find that it closed and was replaced with some other crappy knick-knack store! WTF! RAAAAWR! Luckily there's a Barnes & Noble nearby, but still it sucks. Almost everyone who worked there knew my name, since I would show up at least every other weekend. Boooo! After that, went and saw Underworld: Evolution. Decent movie... except... Okay, did anyone else think that ending was about 15 types of stupid?
"If you kill Markus, all Vampires will go away!" *kills Markus* "Hey look, I can stand in the sun!"
That part I was cool with. It's just immediately thereafter you hear Selene talking about infighting amongst the clans and a bunch of other stuff that says "Hey, we're still vampires!"
Wait... what the hell was the whole point of standing in the sun, the whole freakout about Viktor keeping the Markus and William alive, and all that jazz, or did I just miss something?

Finally, still reading Death Note starting to slow down since L died. Whoa, I totally didn't see that coming! O.O If it picks up soon I'll start reading it faster, but the whole thing with "L"ight vs Near vs "Kira" vs Mello kinda has me feeling blah about the series at the moment.

Also, finally decided to learn Aikido, and I found a dojo that was founded by (and the teachers there now learned from) Mitsugi Saotome, a direct student of Morihei Ueshiba, who founded Aikido. Very interesting and cool.

Well that about covers the last few days, or at least the important stuff.

family, life, movies

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