Random thoughts in a chronological order

Jan 13, 2006 14:49

Seems like at some point yesterday I got a papercut right on the tip of my right index finger. A minor annoyance at best, and one that one won't stop me from doing anything, but it's a constant minor annoyance, since every time I type with my index finger, I press down on it. Grr.

Near the end of the day, Dave called me to tell me he wouldn't be at Nation until around 11-11:30, which is good b/c I probably would have shown up from 9:30-10 and stayed at most an hour before just coming to the conclusion that I'd been forgotten again. It was also gave me plenty of time to do the KS-BCNM fight with Rath and co.

As for said fight... o.O Holy cow! 4xBLM = pitifly easy fight. Course of events: Enter zone, all four black mages run ahead. I follow behind watching. Rath says a time, and at that time they all cast a high level AOE spell, hitting all 5 (?) Scorpions, then immediately follow with each one casting Sleepga II, pulling back, and waiting a little bit, casting another high level AOE spell, and killing all of em. I had time to cast 1 Refresh. >.> Sadly I didn't get any really good loot. Got one item that should sell for about 300k... that'll cover me getting the low value torques and maybe a few other things, but when I could have earned a few mil, 300k is a bit of a letdown.

After that I went out to Nation for Alchemy night. Hung around with eternal_drifter aka Dave in the club. Got out on the dance floor and made a fool of myself. To everyone who goes to a club and doesn't dance because you don't want to look stupid: Everyone who's already out there looks stupid. You'll fit right in, and it's fun, so get your ass out there. After wandering around, chatting, and getting our picture taken with a bunch of other random people and stuff we called it an early night since I had to work, so we chatted about all sorts of geeky stuff on the way home, and kinda got lost enroute. Heh. Still, was cool talking to Dave.

Today's been pretty mellow. Mike ordered from Listrani's (an italian food joint that delivers) and I got some tortellini. Spent lunch catching up on Red vs Blue, thanks to ayaseyue reminding me it existed.

I'm sorely tempted to go to Nation tonight... The Godmother of House Music will be there. :O I've been a fan of her music for a while. Well depends on how I feel. Will think about it later.

ob, ffxi, life

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