Sep 20, 2005 22:20
Ok, Guys in general are pushing my nerves today. First, I don't understand why men have not gotten threw their heads that ladies DO NOT respond to various whistles and whoots. ALSO THE FACT THAT THEY KEEP Doing this action until you are out of their sight and in your car. DO They think I didn't hear them the first time? NO, I'm Ignoring you!!!!!!!!! Second,I hate cell phones in general, so when I et a call from a whining guy who I just saw five minutes ago, I get a little annoyed. Third, I have never met a guy that would NOT shutup (this guy over in MElbourne). I mean I go there to work, I do like to chat, of course, but PLEASE NO EPIC LIFE STORYS WHEN I WANT TO DRAW!!! ;__; I only have so little time to actually enjoy myself. I think I might want to go back to part time but, I'm not sure cause, I like my big fat pay checks! Infact it's pay day on Thurs! $.$ And we all know what happens when I get to $7,ooo!
But, There were some rather nice surprises today!
Like Amanda bringing me a Frosting cover treat! Thank you much much!
My friend Mike who gave me lots of F.M.A! And the Subtitles work!!
Also, my friend Nike telling me about this art glue that allows me to make my colleagues on glass!And I accomplished putting together more of my photo ablum. These were pictures that I had from Tori's B-day, Sean Leaving, and Karaoke. So yeah, pretty old but, that just means time for more pictures!!! /\./\
But, now it's time to get my charcoal cover face in the shower.
So, GoodNight (Big HUG*) and have the sweetest dreams.
KAz O\/R and Out