A memory about Kyou Kara Maou

Aug 12, 2009 08:35

Okay people, the first time I watched KKM was when I were in my 3rd year in high school. I watched that anime in Animax after I saw the commercial and goodness!! I got hooked to it... The two characters that got me hooked were Wolfram von Bielefeld and Conrad Weller... No Yuuri Shibuya at that time, lol

At that time, Animax only aired the season 1, and it made me mad.. It's just like DAMMIT!!! Conrad still haven't returned to Shinmakoku yet...Hello! How could Animax be so heartless and didn't get season 2 on air?!?!?!?!

O well, so try to get another source through my friends. And there were a lot of my friends who were (and still are) anime fans...Blessed them!! XD
Well, since one of them handle the request to copy anime and sell them to those who wanted it, so I requested to get the whole 2 seasons of KKM and VOILA!!! It's granted!!! I still remember what happened when I watched the season 2 for the first time.. I felt giddy, excited, like a child who finally get what she wanted as a Christmas present...

Well, it happened 3 years ago, and I temporarily forget KKM for a while...What's with all the hustle and bustle of university life and etc... But this holiday, I was reminded once again of my love and addiction to KKM after  I read some good fanfiction about them... so I decided to dedicate this journal to Kyou Kara Maou and all of KKM fans all over the world... Cheers..!!!

kkm ; memory

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