≈ Eight [audio/english]

Jul 08, 2010 21:44

[Roll's up on the top deck once more, just chillaxing and catching some sun. And trying to calm down since the past few days have not been the greatest for her thank you conversations with Jak and Jinx~.]

I have a question... well okay two questions. [A pause, she taking a sip of something from a can before she continues here.] Why does it seem that this ship is full of stubborn, ignorant little boys?

[Another pause, another sip and she hums to herself before asking her second question.]

And is there anyone who could, um, maybe teach me how to defend myself, just in case?

+greed, this is a bad idea, +bumblebee(movie), +robin, +sokka, *audio, stupid stupid boy creatures, +jinx, +link(windwaker)

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