Trying something different... o.o weird poetry.

May 23, 2005 00:33

There was two
Two very alike, in mind and soul
Souls were dark
Dark was she
She was like he
He loved her, so very dearly
Dearly so, she loved another
Another was a she
She was.. beautifully neutral
Neutral was this girl
Girl she once was
Was now a woman
Woman is the key
Key to living freely


I walked along the dusty trail
Pushing my hair, out of my face
Seeing the view of my life
Where it'd gone,
Where I'd taken myself

I now ran along, this old trail
Shoving my life, right out of my mind
Ignoring what I'd done
Why I'd made that choice,
Why I'd hurt that person


And even though the roses passed my by
I couldn't turn away
Smelling them, you told me of love.. rather, your love
I love you .. too
You just smiled.. and said, "thank you"
I never understood until now


You said you'd always be there
That your "love" would never fail
There was nothing like tomorrow
Because there never was a today
It was pulled from beyond my grasp
And my anger doesn't help me
But all I can do when I think of you
Is feel that hatred inside of me
The fact that you did this


Oi.. tired of typing. XD G'night, peeps. K-san
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