Nov 21, 2004 11:43
And do a little dance.
And get down tonight.
Get down tonight.
Well, I was supposed to be grounded all weekend, but ended up going to Kat's house.. we saw SpongeBob SqarePants the Movie yesterday. It was good. No, wait. IT WAS GREAT! I'm a goofy goober. XD David Hasslehoff was great in it, too. Oi.
Well... Kat and I passed out this morning around 3:30 or 4. It was interesting.. it took us a little while to get comfy on the couch. It was fine, though.
I woke around 7:00 this morning, and my day started off with me talking to Kat's mom Rebecca for 2 1/2 hours. She's awesome- she wants to take me to a special chiropractor, and do my reconnection. ^^ I think it's great. I wish Rebecca was my mom. I'd so trade. lol
Anyway.. Mark should get on. :P I just love him to death. ^^
Oh, talked to Josh yesterday- of course, the same thing- "Oh, too busy to call u" >_x I don't really care. But yeah.