Good ol, 6:45...

Feb 26, 2005 06:45

I've got about 15 minutes to get my ass in gear to go to work...So I think I'm gonna update a tad ;3

The other day, I went to Walmart with a room mate and a neighbor and I spent over 120 dollars in food! I felt sort of silly spending that much for myself, but I haven't been to the store in 3 weeks, so it's well worth it! We don't have any room in our freezer...*dreamy sigh* It's such a neat feeling buying your own groceries. It's like...planning out your destiny for the next month. You know? How you browse though the aisle thinking, "Oooo! I wonder what I'm going to want to eat next week?"

Lately, I've been drawing rather vigorously as well! And, actually, I should be getting my sketchbooks from home today so I can start properly building my portfolio!

Jim's sooooo close to being done with his project oin Kentuky! He says, if all goes well, he'll be done by the end of this week and will be able to come and see me next week!! Which is sooooo great, becasue I have 3 days off next week! ^_^

On a side note, I really love my job ^______^ Yesturday, I got tipped $50! I beleive that's the most in one day! The bad thing is, half of it was a traveler's check that isn't indorced...So I think it's worthless to me ;_; Let's hope I get some more tips today!

I think I'm gonna head out now ^^; Hope everyone's haveing a great time back at home!
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