040 - Review

Oct 17, 2006 09:38


So I'm going to hell because Honda had sex with Yugi. o_o; Figures. YAY! Yugi and Honda should threaten Kaiba that they'll take Jou away from him and all this shit. :D

And great. Kazuya has now showed up in San Francisco. Things are going to get bat-shit crazy now. Poor Lee. Poor Jin. XD

Yesterday? I should have been home. 9 hours of my time was wasted because of a job I thought that was gonna be worthwhile that it was a complete waste of time. Their ad on CraigsList did not match what the actual job was, which was soliciting sales. I was with this guy named Kevin and Rineau and I observed them sell their stupid shit. I was mostly with Kevin. We ended up going to the Albany/Berkeley area (GEE, I REALLY HAVEN'T BEEN TO THAT AREA BEFORE, HONESTLY!)

Kevin? Had no sales tactic. He ignored 1675165345343257 NO SOLICITING signs and even with doors that are obviously closed, he still tried to open. I really should have just taken a bus and went back to San Leandro where my car was.

So when we got back at the San Leandro office, I found my car to be dead because I left the lights turned on. SMOOTH. I couldn't leave. So I decided that I'd let the higher-ups tell me what they had to say. They said they'd hire me (even though all the answers they gave me were all fucking open ended and non-commital) and to shop up tomorrow at 7:30. HA! HOW FUNNY! I wish Kevin would get his ass beat by hustlers and gang-bangers. *GASP* I'M GOING TO HELL FOR WISHING ILL-WILL UPON OTHERS, YOU GUYS!

ryuutchi, thank you for dinner that night btw. It was made of all kinds of awesome. But Jei still has gender issues! XD

Before I forget, my tentative yaoi con schedule. This is, of course, subject to change:

Friday - Baralai (FFX2)
Saturday - Steve Fox (Tekken 4 2P), Kilik (Soul Calibur II 1P)
Sunday - Seifer Almasy (FF8), not sure what else yet

Okay. Getting up and getting food made. Me's hungry.
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