Excuses, Excuses...

Nov 07, 2008 15:02

I've wanted to update all week.

The power lead to the laptop broke... as in it's in 2 pieces without having been forced/cut/used any way out of the orinary.... Damn you DELL!! So and the replacement still hasn't turned up... so much for next-day delivery. That was ordered on Monday.
Oh well, that's the way it goes sometimes.

Anyway, so at the moment I'm on the PC as my dad isn;t home... what he doesn't know can't hurt him, right? ;D

So, I recently discovered a Jrock group called An Cafe. I've been listening to their alum on repeat, I'm so going to buy it next week... Kanon is just plain hot. And Miku is just so cute!! NYAPPY!! XDDD

Um... yeah

an cafe, music

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