Very little going on right now, that is to say, I could probably quite easily pass for someone who's retired given the amount of time between any one activity and the next. Perhaps it's good ol' holiday laziness setting it, though it seems a little extreme even for that; more likely it's the insane heat of late. Observe the concept illustrated in the following graph:
As we can see, as the temperature increases, the subject loses all motivation for anything of any use, and eventually the will to live. He will be increasingly driven to nocturnal patterns to avoid the sweltering heat, and subsequently will steadily lose what little sanity was there originally. Should the weather persist, he will eventually become similar to a supremely lazy version of Howard Hughes. To this end we suggest that the surrounding environment be kept cool at all times.
Managed to dodge a bullet today. See, after a thermometer was used to measure the temperature of a few things I just happened to notice that it had lost its bulb somewhere along the line. However the imminent dinner was one of the things that had been thermometrised. Hence despite the fact that it was statistically unlikely that the food was where it broke, and the fact that it made me rather suddenly unpopular, had to ensure that the whole stew was written off (against all urges to the contrary, as IMHO people who waste good food should be burned at the stake) and a new one produced.
So when cleaning it out later, lo and behold bottom of the pan there was a cracked thermometer bulb and several beads of liquid mercury.
All that good karma must have paid off today.