Feb 12, 2007 05:58
[[Private, hackable with great attempt]]
Damn the authorities for not promoting me to the year I freaking belong in! I swear I have more talent that most of these no-talent motherfu the students here at Hogwarts, and Dumbledore knows that! Worse of all, I was schooled well enough back in Sunagakure to substitute the education I missed in Hogwarts while I was gone! Just what kind of shit is he trying to pull, anyway?!
Anyway, back to the old days of Journal-writing, eh? I should have no problem with this...
...So, I return to Hogwarts, and now the prospect of this "Masquerade Ball" suddenly jumps in my face. What the Hell have I gotten myself into...? I knew I should have returned after Valentine's Day...
...And now it seems most of my friends have graduated. I guess I should go out and meet new people. You know what they say, "Out with the old, in with the new"?
I guess I'll start by introducing myself. Hi, I'm Temari. As long as you don't make my life here at Hogwarts a living Hell, we'll get along just fine.