Feb 25, 2007 15:27
I've had the movie Casshern lying about and gathering dust for at least a year until I had the sudden impulse to watch it yesterday. After which I proceeded to beat myself into oblivion for letting such a great movie lie.
I was initially very much impressed by the gorgeous trailer back in 2004. But I missed the release here in Holland and time bleached my enthusiasm until the movie ended up on the pile marked *Will see someday, just not now*.
Most of the time I demand a good movie/series to include a bit of humor beside all the drama, but for this movie I'll make an exception. I'll blame this entirely on the major sensory overload one is bound to experience and the heavy themes that simply didn't leave any more room for jokes.
I'm also quite glad I didn't see much of the anime this movie was based on except the ending. I think this is one case where if you liked the anime, you may hate the movie and vice versa. Except the key concept, the two have nothing in common.
All and all this is definitely going on my list of top 3 fav movies ever.