[35] Hitogui (Man-eating)

Oct 15, 2009 16:44

[Voice post:]
[Labored breathing is heard followed by a loud thud, as if something heavy had been unloaded to the ground.]

Squall... you're ugh... you're in charge today. I'll hear the... report, tomorrow... ahh, ughhh... hun...gry...

Michiru... Hotaru... take the pets and stay out of the house for today...


[ooc: sooo yeah;;;;;; I figured I should get back into the game with a punch lol soo have a cannibal!Haruka to start off her October =>W<=;;; I'm soo sorry for being MIA =TTxTT=!! If there are any problems with this let me know and I could change it~ She's locked herself in the bedroom to control her hunger. Anyone who wants to Action log this~ I'm more than open for it! Hotaru-mun, you could snap at her too with Mistress 9 if you'd like~<333]

police force, open, fava beans and chianti, hotaru, michiru

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