[31] Itte mita kekka wa... (The results from going are...)

Aug 28, 2009 16:22

The hike up the mountain was somewhat refreshing, I have to admit. The higher you go, the clearer things became. It was actually beautiful from up there.

[Police Filter:]
Ms. Sciuto, I've got your samples. I'm sending them over to your department as we speak. Ten in total. Five soil samples at 1000 ft each, four plant samples, though some may be the same, and the last was the most concerning, a fur sample. I didn't see anything up there that it may belong to but in either case, I figured I should bring it back to show you. Let me know if you find anything. Thanks.

As for further report, nothing out of the ordinary was found.



[After taking care of things in the office, Haruka immediately headed over to the Hall of the Missing. She couldn't believe it. To think the culprit who took Michiru's life had suddenly disappeared from this world and that the deities would allow it was even more unforgivable. When she finds his picture hanging on the wall, her hand subconsciously curled into a fist as she stared at his face with disgust. Because of him, Michiru was now doomed to be stuck in this world. She vowed to herself that if he were to ever arrive here again, she would make sure to take matters into her own hands to bring justice.]

[ooc: Sorry OTL I posted and then I forgot to give a reaction to Der Tod's leave =TTWTT=;;;; so yeah. This is meant to show that she didn't just blow off his search and pretend nothing happened. If anyone wants to AP with her feel free to approach her at the Hall~<33 If not, then it's all text. Thanks!]

police force, curse!aftermath, open, forensic samples

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