Stolen Cat

Oct 05, 2013 18:05

Writing this all down to help get it out of my head and make sense of everything.

I woke up this morning like usual, thankful I got to sleep in since Stolen Cat sometimes will come upstairs and meow in my face until I wake up.  I went downstairs and my dad called me over and said he had bad news.

He got a call from Stolen Cat's (actual) owners.  They found him dead underneath one of their cars, passed away from unknown causes.

I felt numb and upset, and utterly confused.  He seemed so healthy.  Old, but healthy.  His owners looked him over and didn't find any cuts, bites, or injuries whatsoever, so the death must have been natural.  They said they were going to bury him, so I called them and although they had already put him in the ground, let me come over to say my goodbyes at his grave.  It was such a nice little spot - they set a circle of rocks around where they buried him, with a flat brick and a bouquet of daisies, and I put his catnip ball there that he loved to nom on.  They obviously did care very much about him (which I feel bad for doubting at times).  We talked a bit about him, and I learned a little about his history.  His father (Oldcat, who disappeared a couple months ago), was only a year older than him.  And Stolen Cat?  He was 13 years old.  I knew he was old but I didn't realize HOW old.  It makes me feel at least a little better to know that based on his age, it was likely his time.

I also met Stolen Cat's sister, who had to be picked up by a member of the family since she was just as shy at Stolen Cat was around strangers.  She looked just like him - nub tail, even that adorable face - but black and white instead of gray.  Apparently Stolen Cat's mother spotted him dead under the car, froze, and ran down into the basement for the rest of the day.

The worst part was, when I first found out, I was afraid his death was my fault.  Last night, I had just given him his monthly dose of Advantage (topical flea meds) and like usual, he got all 'shy' around me once I put it on.  That's normal for him, though he remained shy of my hands for a little longer than usual.  I looked it up online and apparently many cats hate the feeling of the liquid on their skin/fur, and find the scent disturbing. One time I opened the tube and as soon as he smelled it, he ran off.  But I kept thinking that somehow the Advantage poisoned him or something.  I went for a walk trying to work through things in my head, and determined a few things that make it unlikely that the Advantage caused his death:

1) He was old. 13 years is old for a cat, particularly one who goes outdoors.
2) He had health issues, such as a cataract in one eye, weak hindquarters (he couldn't jump up on things very well) and he drank a LOT of water. I filled a pint-sized bowl with water every day and by the end of the day it was 3/4 empty.  This makes me suspect kidney issues or possibly diabetes.
3) I've been giving him Advantage for the past 4 months and he has never had an adverse reaction, aside from the 'shyness' after application.

Though I do wonder if the routine stress he experienced was that extra kick to his weakening heart or something :(  I'll never know.

But now I'm realizing all the little things I'll miss about having him around.

Driving home and hearing him meow outside my car door, then opening it and having him jump inside.
Giving him scritchies and having him purr and bash his head against things because he's so happy.
Having him pull himself up into my bed and knead his paws while I fall asleep.
Being silently followed into the kitchen and then SURPRISE. Stolen Cat staring at me begging for tunas.
Singing random songs to him and substituting the lyrics for cat-related ones.
Walking past him when he's sitting in the kitchen chair and feeling his paw bat me as I walk by.
Standing up and feeling a paw touch my foot, and looking down at him stretching allll the way to be able to reach.
The constant trilling of him trying to get attention for pets or food, or just saying "hey I'm here don't forget".
The broken blinds as a result of his fat head stuck through them.
Poking his widdle toesies.
Giving him 'uppies' and petting him while he purrs against my shoulder.
Hearing those adorable little sneezes.
And yes, even being woken up at 7:00 am by an 'accidental' stretched clawed paw to the face.

I'll miss him.

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