Coolest thing ever

Dec 23, 2012 22:44

I decided on a whim to go do some archery practice today, since the range is going to be closed for the next two days and I don't want to fall too far out of practice.  As usual on a weekend, the automatic range was packed, so I went into the walk-up range instead.  Near the end of my hour, I shoot an arrow and hear a weird noise.  I figure I hit the nock of another arrow and broke it (which happens sometimes), but then I saw the arrow kind of...wobbling in the target.  It looked was hanging off one of the other arrows!

Then the guy next to me goes, "nice!"  And I stare a bit and go, "...did I just...did I actually...?"  I was afraid to say it because I didn't want to sound dumb, but the guy responded with, "yeah I think so!"  Once everyone finished shooting, I walked up to my target and saw that I DID do what I thought I did.

I split my first arrow :3

The arrow went into the first arrow about 2 inches and hit with such force it actually curled the metal (the arrows are aluminum) around like flower petals and popped one of the feathers off.

And as much as I'd love to brag, something like this truly is completely by chance.  Even the best archers can't do this on purpose - there's even a Mythbusters episode where they try to replicate it and have a really hard time doing it.  But it's still cool as hell and might be the only time in my life it ever happens!  What's really awesome about this is how straight it went in.  A lot of 'Robin Hoods' (the unofficial term for this) are at angles, but this is pretty much dead center in.

The only drawback is now I have two arrows to replace.  But that's a minor price to pay for such an awesome 'trophy'! :D
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