Aug 31, 2005 13:52
Okay, so it's been a while since I've been on here to update. A lot has happened since then.
I started at a new school, I'm now attending Benedictine University. It's in lisle and it's awesome so far. I'm meeting some new people, which is cool too. I met this girl in one of my classes named Emily. She seems to be really cool, and we seem to have a lot in common, so I'm really looking forward to getting to know her better.
The last entry I made in here was around January of this year. I talked about a guy that I had met that I was really excited about. Well his name is Ronnie and things are going well with him. We are currently still together and pretty happy actually. A lot has happened between us already which I could probably go on forever about, but don't worry I wont at this time. I'll explain about it all later.
I got promoted at work. I don't know many on LiveJournal so anyone reading this probably doesn't know me at all. I work at Best Buy, I started off last year as a cashier. I know am a counter-ops admin for the Geek Squad. No I don't actually fix computers, god help us all if I did, hehe. I basically just do paperwork and handle crabby customers, and make sure everything is running smoothly.
Well I guess that is a good enough update for now.
If anyone is reading this, don't be afraid to say hi, I'm always looking for more friends!