Holidays and family

Dec 30, 2013 20:16

For the past week I have been enjoying the company of my darling niece and heart, V, for her winter break. Last week we spent all day at Dollywood and had a blast (photos of her entire visit will be forthcoming once she goes home next week.)

Christmas day was spent lounging on the couch until I had to go into work. Having her here made the anniversary of my sister's passing much easier to deal with.

She's grown up so well despite family upheaval that'd destroy most kids. I'm also proud of the fact that unlike her brother, sister and cousins, she doesn't smoke, drink or cuss. She's looking forward to starting her first job when she goes home and still plans on moving up here with me to go to college.

I think when she goes home it's going to break me.

Originally posted here. Feel free to comment there using OpenID if you don't have an account.|

family, v, personal

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