It's Friday, Comic Con is happenin right now and there's supposed to be an announcement regarding Farscape from the Boom Studios panel. So I bring you Farscape Bloopers for all! There are spoilers in these for seasons 1-3.
Serious spew warning for these, ladies and gents. I suggest you keep the liquids away from your mouth while watching. ;)
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Doesn't he look purdy there all in black for the screening of Continuum?
This is from an
article at Pop Culture Zoo:
Lastly, and definitely not in any way least, was the one and only Ben Browder. I asked Ben the favorite super-hero question and that got him thinking. He said when he was a kid, it was Spider-Man and probably has become Batman lately, but that he would really rather be the Joker. He said his answer would be he would rather be a super-villian. He then did a fantastic imitation of Syndrome from “The Incredibles”, which he claims to be one of his top five favorite movies now.