Title: Sedate Me
Music: I Wanna Be Sedated by The Ramones
Spoilers: Won't Get Fooled Again
Characters: Ensemble
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MediaFire Notes: I can't believe it's been just over three years since I'd originally done this video. I've been intending to re-do it since it was originally created before I had a DVD drive so the source wasn't the greatest quality. Anyway, I've tweaked the timing and did a few new things to it to help maintain the mood of the episode. It's a good sign that I got a shiver from watching the final version, right? *grins wickedly*
I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do and for those not familiar with how I vid, please keep in mind that I'm not asking for a technical critique. I simply enjoy knowing how the video affects you. Sounds cheesy I know, but I like to know my warm fuzzies are shared. :)