I haven't had this much fun in so long,it hurts. Last night I went and saw Brokeback Mountain with
avenuepotter and
njborba. Tonight it was Underworld: Evolution with AOM and a couple of friends of hers from Seattle, who are also Scapers. So much pretty. *shiver* I'm sure you'll here more gushing from me in the days to come about hotmen sex/drama and leather and the vampire chicks who wear them.
I could go into detail tonight,but it's almost 5am and we just got home. *yawns* I think I need a nap. hehe
Oh, this was snurched from
Only 2 days until road tip with
catherinebruce! Dude, is there like any way that we're going through Lincoln county in New Mexico? I'd loved to stop into the Billy the Kid museum if we have the time. *bg*