Tuesday, and its snowing!
Maria replied to my e-mail concerning the status of my coffee order... She even sent me the UPS tracking code. Good news! Beans are in Provo, and I should have my greedy little hands on them today! Tom Petty was right, it's good to be king. If anyone is interested in roasting their own beans, check out
Sweet Maria's. Home roasting is such a wonderful hobby.
I went to bed around midnight... and had a terrible time moving my ass out of it this morning. Sometimes 6:20 is just too early. My body is recovering nicely from the 80 minute stairmaster session last night. I love my early morning walk to the coffee shop. It helps loosen the tight muscles.
I'm going to use my lunch break to get a quick, thirty minute work out in. I wont have time to work out tonight, because I am going up to Salt Lake with Natalia.
I'm looking forward to my mountaineering class this afternoon. We're going to snowshoe and learn how to forecast avalanches. It's a practical knowledge which I have always desired to have, but have never had a real opportunity to learn. I am always snowshoeing over avalanche paths, and last year had the luck of seeing four from a distance. I'd hate to get caught in one... I like the idea of being safe.