So, so, and so. Another year has rolled around and by. The jury is still out on whether or not this is going to be a good one or a bad one -- so I will just cross my fingers. My birthday consisted of taking my car in for its scheduled maintenance, finding out I will need to buy new tires soon, but don't need them Right Now or Bad Things Will Happen like this other lady who was also in the shop had to deal with. They wouldn't let her drive her car, as evidently the tires were so worn as to be unsafe. Lesse. Went to the store. Got some beef jerky, which I am nomming upon with great glee. Had some of my leftovers from Red Lobster, where my mother, stepfather, and grandmother took me yesterday evening. And my grandmother had a big mouth, telling the waiter. I muttered if they sang to me, I was gonna kick her, which amused her greatly. And then, when she and my mother went to the restroom, what do you think happened? Uh-huh. And what's worse, the waiter announced it to the room at large, and got the other -patrons- to join in the singing. ...not a one could carry a tune, either. But at least the culprit missed it. By the time the other two got back, I was just eating my ice cream, candle blown out and singers departed.
Not much else new. Got a speeding ticket the other day. Account got hacked in WoW, but I have my stuffs back now, and I bought an authenticator to prevent it from happening again. Um. My mother has moments of awesome - she brought me back a resin falcon skull on a leather thong necklace from her working cruise to Alaska. It must've been cast from a real one, as it is anatomically correct, and pleases me. Yes, I like bones. I have a lovely badger skull sitting on top of my comp tower, and a deer antler is the best back-scratcher EVER.
I'm feeling nebulous. However, I have a $50 gift card for Barnes and Noble, so I shall go buy books, and become happy. I love being able to get new reading material. Perhaps some music as well. All in all, it's been a quiet birthday and that... suits me just fine. It's been a peaceful day for a change.
And it's
First up, another one of Blackavar, by Kaji on FA. He's not looking very black, but though the artist was worried about it, I said to let it lie because honestly, I loves the details, and I'm afraid darkening him up would lose them. He's got dust in his fur... yeaaaaah.
And a couple of Kaz, also from FA artists. Cornershop every now and then posts up these one hour painting deals. If you manage to catch it, you give refs immediately, they work for an hour, and you get a surprise. The ones I'd seen posted were nothing short of awesome in most cases, and when I was lucky enough to snag one, I was no less pleased by the result. Me likes.
By the indubitable RFTigermode. I am in love with how she did Kaz's face and hair, even if her fangs are going a little sideways, they look too damn awesome. I loves me some minotaur rage. And the scar being pinker really makes it stand out better. Might have to change that little detail. I dunno. I've been thinking more lately of small changes to Kaz's design, mostly simply because different artist's renditions have been just this side of whatever I'd pictured, but look damn good. In any event, RFTigermode was a wonderful artist to work with, communicative and with a very quick turnaround. I highly recommend them to anyone at all.