The Lifestyle

Oct 10, 2006 08:49

Why do people mess up a good thing? Why join something they just want to change? Why not go start your own something, with a diffrent name, and leave us alone? These questions have plagued me for a long time. The last 10 years or so this lifestyle has seen a massive influx of members. This would be fine and dandy, except more and more we see those people that never learned what it was about... the depth of it all, the heart. Every day I see so called subs that top from the bottom, are mouthy and have little or no respect for the liefstyle, not to mention their doms or themselves. Then there is the new wave of 'slaves'. Seems 98% of all non-dominants that came to the lifestyle in the last few years is a "slave". Back in the day, slaves were far and few between... well, they still are, if you actually go by what a slave is, and not these mouthy, brat switches that say they are slave "but won't do this, or this, or that, or if...." that is not a slave. Not even close... that doesn't truley even fall under submissive. The defination of a slave is such:

slave  /sleɪv/

-noun 1. a person who is the property of and wholly subject to another; a bond servant.
2. a person entirely under the domination of some influence or person: a slave to a drug.
3. a drudge: a housekeeping slave

It does not say partially dominated... it says COMPLETELY so if you can't submit fully, do not claim to be slave. If you will only accept rules and such that you enjoy, don't claim to be a submissive. And for gawds sake... being a Master takes more than wanting to get your rocks off with a girl that doesn't say no. A real slave can tell the diffrence tween a wanna be, a Dom and a true Master anyways, so why try?

I just wish all these types would go start their own lil place and stop screwing up a lifestyle that wasn't broken and didn't need mending. They could even have a fun park called "Disney BDSM".

Posting later in the day..

OK, I tried seriously hard to not comment on a reply that a friend's journal recieved today. I am commenting here even though I know the "girl" that posted it will not read this (damn!) but I respect the friend too much to have a pissing match on his journal. A shame that the poster (or was that poser?) doesn't respect him that much. This is a case exactly like I mentioned above earlier. She's been to "this __?__ functions" and knows soooo much, but has never been through what the old timers went through to get where we are. In my opinion, just posting that in my friend's journal was disrespectful... espically when she could have mentioned to him privatly instead of on his public journal. But, I guess that wasn't one of the things they teach these days aye? Wonder what she "did" actually learn? Probably all the play aspects... surely didn't learn the respect, the integrity or the honor parts. She says she knows subs that know a lot more than slaves. Well, to her I can say that I know nilla people with more respect and honor than her. Big deal. That was a stupid comment to make espically figuring that "most" so-called slaves these days wouldn't have even been accepted as a submissive 'back in the day'. Then again, this same girl is also the one that said .... "With the right person, yes, one day I will give up all control and I will become a slave if the dominant so pleases and I agree. " Those last 3 words deleted her whole sentance. "IF I AGREE"... are not the words of a slave.
OK, I'm going to try to get off my soapbox, and calm down a lil bit.

I am SO sick of players, wanna bees and damn newbies that tell US we're doing it wrong. The lifestyle wasn't sposed to be "I'm ok, your OK... we're all OK and isn't it just all fair and peaches?" *lets out a big breath and steps away from her keyboard a minute*

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