292: Anime Expo AA Table B29

Jun 30, 2011 11:52

Today starts Anime Expo for me. Day 0 which means my sister and I will be heading out to LA to go pick up our badges and Artist Alley whatnots. For those attending that wanna drop by and say hi, I'd love to see you. ^^ I'll be at table B29. On the map I'm not really sure where that is because well... They didn't indicate where the rows start. But in the second row middle-ish.

I have a ton of new prints compared to last year. All my AC and TRON prints. TRON buttons and two glass pieces. I'll be taking commissions of course and this year I'll be offering glass painted pieces as well as prints. Hopefully people will be interested. ^^

I'm super excited for the convention this year and this morning I swear I woke up every hour. It wouldn't have been that bad but I went to bed at three, got to sleep around 3:30 and then woke back up at about 5:30 and every hour after that. Ugh. I haven't done that in a long time. But whatever.

I'll have a con-report per usual when it's all over. I dunno if I'll have time after each day. We'll see!

ax, convention, anime

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