115: Supernatural Con Report

Mar 30, 2010 04:12

Three days of AWESOME this weekend. Went to the Supernatural con in LA and it was a fucking blast! No fucking kidding. Better than last year. Sadly no girls and no Kripke. Went with defaultlyric and then hung with her and girlfmkitty all weekend. It rocked. ^^ Seriously.

Day 1:
Richard (the Trickster/Gabriel) and Rob (the prophet Chuck) were the only guests for the day on Friday, so Casey and I were hopeful that Kripke would put in a surprise appearance. No such luck. Oh well. First out was Richard and he was of course his charming, funny, and witty self. Looking mighty fine if I do say so. He shared a rather hilarious story involving some obviously-used, bright pumpkin orange, men's bikini briefs. The owner of these turned out to be Misha. I had seen a clip at another con where Misha was talking about this but I didn't have all the facts. So I was dying when Richard filled in all the gaps. And he's finally watched season one. XD Love him.

Out next was Rob. This is only his second or third convention and he was so nervous. He was having trouble with the whole taking a question from one side of the room then the next, but it was so cute. The entire time he was up there he was sort of awkward, but in an adorkable way. And he is such a geek, but we love him for it. And he has a total man crush on Misha. XD He gushes about him, it's so sweet. Also, apparently, he was "warned" about us by Misha, so who knows what lies he was told. XDDD He did say that the experience was still surreal for him, since he had done The Real Ghostbusters. Only there are infinitely more women at real cons. Man, I don't know one person who after his panel didn't want to take him home in their pocket.

Casey had photo ops/autos with Richard and Rob this year. I got Rob's photo op. This year I had some of my art for every guest that appeared. I was so happy about this. So I gave Richard my Trickster sticker and he loved it. Was so happy to get it. And Rob... I had a total fangirl squeel on the inside moment. When I gave him his sticker he laughed and was like "This is so awesome. This is probably gonna live on my guitar". Eeee!

And his band is KICK ASS! I hadn't heard anything so I didn't know what to expect, especially after he mentioned Perl Jam and Rick Springfield in his panel. XD But they rock. Like seriously. They sorta sound like the bastard child of Oleander and Kings of Leon. Bought their latest CD because yeah, they were that good.

Afterward though we left because both Casey and I were exhausted. I'm amazed I got us home without any sort of scare. XD

Day 2:
AJ and Travis (Ghostfacers), Kurt (Zachariah), Misha (Castiel), and Jim (Bobby)! :D Man was I stoked for the day. And let me tell you there was no disappointment. I laughed so friggin' hard I gave myself a damn headache. XD

AJ and Travis were first. And holy god, I knew they were funny but I hadn't anticipated them to be so damn spazy. Travis especially. He was killing. And for the record people he loves his cookies damnit. I'm so glad Ghostfacers brought these two guys together. They feed off each other's crazy energy. And we got to see a sneak peak of the Ghostfacers web show! :D Premiers April 15th (same day as the 100th ep. of SPN). Watch it!

Next was Kurt, who was a convention virgin. Again, I knew he could be funny. And he was so adorable and unsure. He was having the hardest time, more so than Rob, of keeping the question asking "procedure" straight. And he said he was nervous, then turned around and jokingly was yelling at people like "I didn't want Zach to turn evil! It wasn't my idea!" It was awesome.

Speaking of crazy... Misha was insane. Nothing left of the guy we saw from last year who wasn't sure if we liked him. He knows. Full of sass and snark, still in an entirely lovable way in my opinion. He was totally calling people on their dump and not serious at all. He acted all exacerbated when we informed him that Richard told us the underwear story. XD I believe his exact words were "Richard just loves to tell that story." He's like a friggin' drug. And the poor guy... He forgot his carnation. So he picked a flower off the side of the road that was yellow. But luckily girlfmkitty came to our leader's aid and supplied him with a proper carnation. I was a crying mess of laughter when he was finished. XD

And then Jim! :D I'm so happy he came this year! He's made of total win. Only 90 minutes of sleep according to him and he was just full of energy, even did a little dance. And Bobby isn't a father figure. He's a slightly older brother figure. XD Jim clarified for us. Jim said he couldn't see us, which was a common comment from the guests actually, so they turned on the house lights for him like had done in Misha's panel. He also made fun of the boys, Jared mostly, which was great. And of course Misha came and crash the panel for a little bit. XD

I had a Ghostfacers, Misha, and Jim photo op that day. Now for the photo ops they said "NO props! No asking for poses! No hugs!" It was like... What? So we just stand there? AJ and Travis though... Oh man so much love for those two. They were so out of control crazy that they were doing things on their own. Poses, faces, hugs, you name it. Completely unprovoked. I handed them their stickers and they were both like "Oh, wow! That's so cool!" AJ asked if I wanted them to hold them for the picture and I said I didn't care either way. So he holds his and Travis is like "Oh wait!" because he'd put it in his pocket. I was actually laughing when the picture was taken (not like badly or anything) because he threw me off, but in the best way.

And despite the no asking for a pose I asked Misha for one anyway. I already have the "nice, normal" one from last year and Maria's con mojo rubbed off on me. I gave him the prints I've done too and I felt bad, while trying not to giggle, because he was trying to read what my Revelations comic said but one of the staff/volunteers took it so we could snap the picture. But he had the total "wait I'm not finished with that" gesture going on. He's totally channeling Castiel in my pic and I love it! :D

Then I had Jim and my sister was like "he's totally go the 'dad' pose going. With the arm and everything". Hey I'm cool with Bobby being my dad. He rocks. He laughed when he saw the Kiss the Cook post card. :D

I didn't have an auto for Kurt, so I asked one of the head staffers/volunteers if I could go in at the end and give him my the sticker I had for him or if I had to give it to the registration people. She asked what it was and how big it was and when I said she was like "Give it to me and I'll give it to him. In fact give it to me now and I'll give it to him now before I forget." So I did. She came back and said he really liked it, got a kick out of it. Made me happy. ^^

Then we had autos and were there forever. But that's alright because Jim is just made of win. He refuses to just sign his name. Nope. He wants to have a conversation with his fans. And he doesn't care how many hours it takes to get through with his stuff. That's just awesome and totally why we love him and respect him so much. Afterward it was time to head home.

Day 3:
Jared (Sam, duh XD), Jensen (Dean, duh again XD) and Mark (Satan! :D) were the boys of the day. Naturally the photo ops for the boys were first. I didn't get any this year. :( But Casey and Maria did. I waited in line until I could go no further. Then I went t o wait in yet another line to get back into the main room. XD We all piled in and I was surprised this year. The room didn't fill up. Last year it was packed. There were still more people than the previous two days mind you. The time with the boys wasn't as long this year. :( Sadness. They were still pretty damn funny of course. We found out about Jared's "thinking leg", his use of hair dryer with the accessory attached for straightening at the same time, and that his truck does not have a name. He was then fascinated by this and asked everyone else what their cars were named. Jensen informed us that Jared was stupid (XD), and that he's secretly a gay man who wants rainbow hair (he had left the stage while Jared was talking about his hair dyer, then came out with a rainbow lay on his head being fabulous), and witnessed his "blue steel" face. And sadly we won't see it again for two years he said. And their favorite pick-up line is "does this rag smell like Chloroformto you?" And Maria, the lucky cat she is, was asked that by both boys before she asked her question. XD You go girl! They kill me.

Next was their autos. I got a Jared one because I didn't last year and I didn't get a photo this year. Jensen's were all sold out of course. But I gave him more prints this year and he made me laugh cause I said to him "These are you for you sir" and he response with "Sir? I don't see my dad here." Then looked up at what I was giving him and was like "Oh cool! These are awesome." And I think he wanted to talk to me longer, but the staffers were pretty much like "okay move along now" only not that rude. I gave Valerie, the staffer from the day before, the stuff for Jensen after asking if she'd be kind enough to give them to him for me. She said of course, but was so busy that she couldn't update me about his reaction. So hopefully he liked them as much as everyone else.

Then it was time for Mark. And I honestly wasn't sure what to expect with him. One, it was his first convention. Two, the only interview I've read with him was in the SPN magazine and he seemed really serious in it. Well what we got was trouble. He was funny. And he was witty and a complete surprise of awesome rolled into one person. He joked about what would happen if he said anything about the season. And he kept going "Well... what do you think?" in response to everyone. XD And he said the same thing as everyone else. That he couldn't see. So he went "Lucifer says lights!" and they turned on the house lights. It was beautiful. And then he had to compete with Misha for who could curse the most. Naturally he won since he is the devil. XD

I didn't have anything else, but Casey had an auto and photo op. So I went with and watched while she and Maria got their photos taken. Casey had the biggest shit eating happy grin. And Mark in Maria's picture had this awesome evil smirky thing going on. Made me wish I had the money to get the photo. Next year for sure if he comes back. I gave him my fanart and he seemed surprised and impressed with it. He stared at it for a good ten seconds before handing it to his assistant person who put it aside for him.

And sadly after that the con came to an end. Took Maria home, came back here, scanned stuff for Casey, saw her off, stayed up 'til I got a text she had made it home, then went to bed and crashed. It was awesome. So much fun. So wanna go again next year. Photos tomorrow! :D

squee, random, supernatural

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