005. Friday the 13th

Feb 14, 2009 12:55

Yesterday I went and saw Friday the 13th with my friend. During the previews they had one for the new Transformers movie. I grew up watching the cartoons and saw the first movie about... 4 times in the theater which is something I don't normally do. So I was excited because I'm a bit of a Transformers dork. XD But at the end of the preview there was no "Coming in Summer/Winter" or date. D: Evil! Anyway, heh.

I saw the original Friday the 13th so how true the remake is, I can't say. I can say that horror movies don't actually scare me. They might startle me at point, or gross me out at points, but never actually scare me. If they're really good, they unsettle me. Resident Evil unnerved me by combining two of my greatest fears: fear of abandonment and fear of being trapped. I bring this up because Friday the 13th unsettled me a little. It takes place in the woods so this large open area. Yet, they're trapped, can't get away, can't get help. Don't like! But I enjoyed the movie.

There wasn't nearly the amount of gore as in My Bloody Valentine but it got to me more. At least in Jensen's movie the only thing keeping people in the town was their own stupidity to leave. XD In Friday, Jason actually stole the car keys so you couldn't leave. So it was a little creepy like that.

And I'll be honest, watching the previews for the movie, I kept saying, "I don't know if Jared's gonna make it through the movie. It looks like Jason wins." But I was wrong! Haha! Jared made it. And his sister, I can't remember the actress' name. But that was it. I thought Clay's, Jared's character, love interest was gonna make it to. And she did for most of it. But Jason got her. :'( The movie ends on a sort of Carrie note, hand from the grave and all that, so that was a little odd for me.

Travis Van Winkle is in this movie and I had no idea who he was. But I'm sitting there and it's bugging the heck out of me because I know I've seen him. Then on the way home, as I'm stuck in traffic, it dawns on me. He's the jerk boyfriend in Transformers. XD I felt better once I placed him.

And there was actually a lot of comedy in the movie, lines that were said, the fact that Jared was on a motorcycle that was seriously to small... It was beautiful. Then there were these two girls about seven seats down from my friend and I who were screamers. They screamed at everything, so the movie was about ten times more entertaining because of that.

It was great movie. I recommend it to all. ^^ Now the next movie on my list to see is The Watchmen, which my friend and I are planning to see a midnight showing of somewhere. We'll have to look where there'll be one.

jared, movie

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